Unit4 What can you do?
PartA  Let’s learn 

一.Listen and fill in the blank.
Miss White: We’ll have an_________ party next ______________! What _____you do for the party,children?
ZhangPeng:  I can __________ English songs.
Miss White:  Wonderful! How ___________you, John?
John: I can do some_________________!

Miss White: Thank you, John.

二.Geese: What can you do, birds?
Birds: We can fly. What can you do, geese?
Geese: We can swim.  
Tortoise: What can you do, cat?
Cat: I can catch the mouse. What can you do, tortoise?
Tortoise: I can walk, and I can swim. 
Parrot: What can you do, monkey?
Monkey: I can jump and I can run. I can climb the hill, can you?
Parrot: No, I can’t. But I can fly.
Frog: Hello! What can you do, fish?
Fish: I can swim.
Frog: Oh, I can do that too. And I can jump, can you?
Fish: No, I can’t.  
Panda: Hello! I’m panda.
All: What can you do, panda?
Panda: I can walk. And I can play with a ball. Bye-bye!
1. What can you do, birds?

2. What can you do, fish?

3. What can you do, panda?