

A: Hello, Chu Junqi!    B: Hi, Zhang Weiyue!
A: Whats this?      B: Its a computer.
A: What colour is it?   B: Its ?white.
A: Is it in the bedroom?  B: No, it isnt. Its in the study.
A: Your home is nice.   B: Thank you. Goodbye!


A: Hello, Tang Binyang!    B: Hi, Zhu Xinran!
A: Whats this?       B: Its a bed.

A: What colour is it?     B: Its red.
A: Is it in the bedroom?   B: Yes, it is.
A: Your home is nice.?    B: Thank you. Goodbye!


A: Hello, Zhou Xiang!   B: Hi, Zhang Yehan!
A: Whats this?     B: Its rice.
A: What colour is it?   B: Its white.
A: Is it in the kitchen?  B: Yes, it is.
A: Your home is nice.   B: Thank you. Goodbye!


A: Hello, Jiang Yan!     B: Hi, Dong Jizhao!
A: Whats this?       B: Its a soap.
A: What colour is it?    B: Its red/brown/white
A: Is it in the kitchen?   B: No, it isnt. Its in the bathroom.
A: Your home is nice.    B: Thank you. Goodbye!


学生作品A 学生作品B 学生作品C 学生作品D

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