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        三元坊小学 黄琳




二、教学内容: Unit 11 Can you tell me the way ?的对话

三、 教学目标: 1. 语言知识目标: ①词汇: way , lose / lost ,hospital , straight , ahead , right, left, miss , Excuse me. ②句型: 问路:Excuse me . Can you tell me the way to (the hospital ),please? 指路:Yes ,turn left /right out of the .. Go straight ahead , turn right at the second crossing. It’s on your left /right.It’s the third building on your right, next to (the school ). ③日常用语: Oh dear! Let me see. You can’t miss it. 2. 语言技能目标: ① 能用句型Excuse me . Can you tell me the way to (the hospital ),please?进行问路,用Yes ,turn left /right out of the ..Go straight ahead , turn right at the second crossing. It’s on your left /right.It’s the third building on your right, next to (the school ).进行指路。 ②能理解课文,并流利地朗读课文 通过反复的口头练习,使学生能熟练的使用问路的交际用语,并能根据具体情况灵活运用。能用所学的语言知识进行问路和指路。 3. 拓展目标: ①通过师生说、小组说、两两说、自主说等形式更好地巩固问路和指路的句型。 ②制作一份地图,并让学生模拟真实情景进行对话、小练笔已达到巩固所学知识。 4. 情感态度目标: 通过多媒体课件进行教学增强学生学习英语的兴趣与热情,同时培养学生的合作互助精神,培养学生助人为乐的精神。

四、教学重点: 1.让学生能“四会”掌握本课的语言知识 2.课文的学习。


2.  It’s the third building on your right, next to the school. 的句型理解

I. Warming up & Revision
1.Let’s chant
Right , right , right ,on the right .
Left , left ,left , on  the  left .
It’s on the right.
It’s on the left .
Is it on the right or on the left ?
Is the zoo on the right or on the left ?
It’s on the right .
2. 看PPT ,复习 What’s your favourite place ? My favourite place is …
3. Guess game: What place is it?
复习:①shopping centre ② cinema ③ museum ④ restaurant
⑤ hotel
II . Presentation & Practice
1. 介绍本节课的教学目标
2. Did you know ?
①turn left 并学习left 
②turn right 并学习right
③go straight ahead 并学习straight 、ahead
④Turn left at the first crossing.
⑤Turn right at the second crossing.
⑥go straight ahead and take the third right
⑦go straight ahead and take the second left
3.Practice with your partner ,用以上句型,生生之间发出命令,互相做动作。
T: I’m the tourist . I’m lost . Can you help me ?5.新课学习: ①学习:Excuse me . Can you tell me the way to the hosipital , please ? Go straight ahead . Then turn right at the second crossing . It’ s on your right ,next to the school .②看PPT进行练习。 ③ Practice with your partner,use the map of PPT( 同位练习并表演) 6.Learn the dialogue: ①看课文DVD②跟读 ③分角色读
④看课文PPT,读出所缺的单词 ⑤根据课文判断T或者F:(   )1. Janet wants to go to the restaurant.(    ) 2. The hospital is in front of the school.
(   )3. Go straight ahead then turn right at the second crossing ,next to the school . We can find the hospital.

III . Conclusion& Homework

  1. 看视频,回答问题: How can the man get to Nanjing Road ?
  2. 听句子,在图中的横线上写出相应的地方:

Mike :Excuse me. How can I get to Yuexiu park ?
Tom : I’m sorry . I don’t koow the way. You can ask the policeman over there.
Mike: Thank you all the same.
Mike : Excuse me, sir . I get lost. Can you tell me the way to Yuexiu park , please ?
Policeman : Yes. It’s near here. Go straight ahead and take the second left. You can see the park on your right.
Mike : Go straight ahead and take the second right.
Policeman: No , the second left.
Mike: Oh, thank you very much.
Policeman: You’re welcome.
(     ) 1.Mike wants to go to the ___________.
A . hospital  B . hotel    C . park
(     ) 2. Is the park nearby (在附近)?
A. Yes , it is B . No , it isn’t . C . Yes , it can .
(     ) 3. The park is on the ____________.
A. right    B. left        C. beside


