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Unit5 Dinner’s ready  A Let`s talk教学设计



1.能够熟练掌握句型What’s for dinner? What would you like...?

I’d like ...,please.


3. 能够在语境中理解新词dinner,soup,vegetable,ready的意思。二、教学重难点:

二、教学重难点:句型What’s for dinner? What would you like...?

I’d like ...,please.句型的熟练掌握。


Step1. Warm-up

1. Free talk

T:Hello , boys and girls .How are you today ?

找同学一一回答:What do you like?

           Do you like ...?

           Can I have some...

           Have some...

Step2. Revision

T:There are so many food and drinks here . Do you want to eat them? Who want to eat with me?

T:Pair work,please.

Key information:

Welcome to my home!

1. What do you like ?

2. Do you like …..?

3.Can I have some…..?

4.Have some ….

Step 3. Presentation

1.    呈现米饭和鱼食物

T:I’m hungry.I’d like some rice and fish.What would you like?(呈现其他食物图片)

学生用I’d like some...回答


3.Play a game.(开小火车形式操练上述句型)

4.课件呈现钟表。T:LookWhat’s time?Yes,it’s 7 o’colock.It’s time for dinner.(呈现食物图片)What’s for dinner?找学生回答。


6T:I’d like some rice and fish.What about Mike?Let’s listen and answer.(播放课文动画)学生回答问题。

7.Read after the tape—Read after the teacher—

Role play——Pairwork(反馈三到四组)

Step4.Consolidation and extension

1.Story time.

T:What would Zip like? Watch , listen and say “Yes or No”.(播放动画)Questions: 

(1)Zip would like some chicken.        

 (2)Zip would like some fish.           

(3)Zip would like vegetables.          

(4)Zip would like an egg.              

(5)Zip would like noodles and beef.    

2.Listen and answer.

T:listen to a dialogue,and answer what they would like.

3.Listen and tick.

4.Make a new dialogue.

Key information:

A :  Hello, can I help you?

B :  Yes, please.

A :  What would you like?

S B :  I’d like some……

A :  Do you like ……?

B :  Yes, I do. \No, I don’t .  Can I have some ...

A :  Sure. Here you are.

B :  How much?

A :  yuan.

B :  Here you are .

A :  Thank you .

B : You’re welcome.


T:. Read and tick or cross.

Hello, friends. My name is Lily. I'm nine. I am a student. I have a happy family.

Look, this is a photo of my family! The old man is my grandfather. He's seventy-three. He likes noodles. He's a farmer. My grandmother's sixty-eight. She likes fish. She's a teacher. Look at this woman. She's my mother. She's thirty-four. She's a nurse. She likes vegetables very much. And this man is my father. He's thirty-nine. He likes soup. He's a driver. Lucy is my sister .She is a quiet girl. They love me. I love them(他们).

   (1)There are five people in my family.                 (   )

(2) My grandfather is a farmer. He likes noodles.      (   )

(3) My mom likes beef. She's a nurse.                  (   )