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Unit 3 My school calendar 

B Let’s talk

一、教学目标:1、能正确听说朗读“When is... ?” “It’s in...”等有关节假日或活动安排的问答句。


                            3、能够听懂、会说、会表演Let’s talk的内容,并把本课所学语言运用在真实场景中交流。

二、教学重点:能在实际语境中交流关于时间安排的问答句“What will you do...?”“I will...”等的用法。

三、教学难点:能在实际语境中交流关于时间安排的问答句“What will you do...?”“I will...”等的用法。


Step 1  Warm up

1 Lets sing.  


2Free talk

T :When is your birthday?

S1:Its in...

T :When is your birthday?

S2:Its in...

T :When is your birthday?

S3:Its in...

T :When is Childrens Day ?

Ss :Its in June.

T :When is Tree Planting Day ?

Ss :Its in March.

T :Look at these pictures, talk about these festivals with

your partner.(出示节日图片,让学生讨论。)

Step2 Presentation

1. Lets try

T(出示Oliver的图片): Today is my friend Olivers birthday. What will he have? Lets listen and tick. Take out your book, turn to page27. 学生听音并选择

T: Yes. He will have a birthday party. (同时板书will)

2. Lets talk


T: Suppose today is your birthday, what will you have?

  I will have a birthday cake. What will you have?

S1: I will have a birthday cake.

S2: I will have a birthday party.

T: OK! Very good. Lets play a game. Yes or No.

These are two kinds of cards, pink cards and green cards. One student choose pink card say well cook dinner; the other student choose green card say on the playground. Then say Yes or No, together.(通过游戏让学生充分的练习well,突破本节课的难点)


T: Well have a school trip this year. Lets watch and answer the follow questions.

Which season is it?

When is the trip?

Where will we go?



T: You will become the sixth grade students next term. In the last year of  the school, what interesting activities do you want? Please design a calendar,then talk about it with your partners .


Step3 Consolidation

1.Watch and answer.

(1)Grandpa's birthday is in_______________.

(2)Grandma's birthday is in_______________.

(3)John's mother's birthday is in_______________.

2 . Watch and choose.

(   ) (1).What will Zoom do in July?     

      A.He'll visit(拜访) his grandparents.     

      B.He'll do his homework.

(   ) (2).Where will Zoom go in August?

       A.He'll go to visit his grandparents.     

       B.He'll go to Huangshan Mountain.  

3. Read and judge 

(1). (   ) In Beijing, it's spring from March to May.

(2). (   )In Sydney, it's spring from March to May.

(3). (   )When it's fall in China, it's spring in Australia.

(4). (   )China and Australia have the same season.

4. What will you do for your mother on Mothers Day? 


4 Make a dialogue