


                      新起点二年上Unit 5 In the Park第一课时教学设计
1、本节课是义务教育课程标准实验教科书新起点英语二年级上册第五单元第一课时,本课主要教学内容是关于自然景物的六个单词:boat, lake, tree, flower, grass,hill.
2、利用学过的功能句型What’s this? It’s a ...和Is it a...? Yes, it is./No, it isn’t.来进行练习描述这些自然景物。
1.能够听懂,会说boat, lake,tree,flower, hill, grass.并尝试借助拼读规律记忆单词。
Step 1:Free talk
Who’s he/she? He/She is my friend/classmate.
What’s his/her name? His/Her name is ...
What does he/she look like? He/She is ...
Where are you going? I’m going to the ...
Step 2: Pairwork:
当学生回答到I’m going to the zoo.我会说:I’m going to the zoo, too. Let’s go to the zoo. 出示PPT动物园的图片,Let’s talk about these animals. Who can make dialogue with me?
A: What’s this?
B: It’s a...
A: Do you like...?
B: Yes, I do./No, I don’t. I like...
A: How many...are there?
B: One./Two./Three...
Step 3:Lead in
Let’s play a guessing game OK? PPT出示书中人物照片,Who’s he/she? He/She is... Now, guess. Where are they? 生猜They are in/at... 但学生猜到They are in the park.师导入本课时主题Now please look at this picture. They are in the park. Today we’ll learn Unit 5 In the Park.(板书课题)Now, let’s go to the park. What’s in the park? What do they see? Let’s listen.( 导入新授听)
游戏导入设计意图:采用猜一猜的游戏活动来导出本节课主题,是为了吸引学生的注意力和提高学习英语兴趣,同时还可以复习巩固表示地点的单词(supermarket, bookshop, school , zoo , park, hospital and so on )。
Step 3:新授听新授说
新授听之后师引导学生回答What’s in the park? A...,a...,a...随后通过PPT逐一导出单词tree, flower, grass, hill, boat和lake。
Game:Show me your...(师说生做动作,培养孩子听力。)
Game:Let’s driver a train. ( 生生交际,培养学生听说交际能力。)
Game:Guessing game (培养学生动脑思考和语言表达能力。)
Now ,I’m going to the park . Do you want to go the park with me? Please look at this picture. What can you see in the park? What’s in the park?
Pair work:(师先和几名程度好的同学示范,之后让同桌两人练习,再选几组程度不同的学生进行展示。)
A: Look at the park.
B: How beautiful!
A: What’s this?
B: It’s...
A: What colour is it?
B: It's...
A: Do you like...?
B: Yes, I do./No, I don’t.
A: How many…s are there?
B: …
Now ,I want to see animals. Do you want to see animals? Let’s go to the zoo,ok? Please look at this picture. What’s at the zoo?
Step 4: 拓展听读
I see a hill. In the beautiful park.
I see a bridge . In the beautiful park.
I see a lake . In the beautiful park.
The flowers are red.
The grass is green.
The trees are tall.

In the beautiful, beautiful park
I see a hill. In the beautiful park.
I see a bridge . In the beautiful park.
I see a lake . In the beautiful park.
The flowers are red.
The grass is green.
The trees are tall.

I see a hill. I see a bridge .
I see a lake .I see a beautiful park.
The flowers are red, the grass is green, trees are tall.
I see a beautiful park.
I see a hill. I see a bridge .
I see a lake .I see a beautiful park.
The flowers are red, the grass is green, trees are tall.
I see a beautiful park.
拓展二,听歌曲拓展句子 What can you see? 并让生回答:What can you see? 设计意图是丰富学生的语言,同时提高学生听力水平。
I am in the park.
What can I see?
I can see a lake.
I can see a tree.
I can see a hill.
I can see you!
I can see you !
You are in the park.
What can you see?
Can you see a flower?
Can you see a boat?
Can you see the grass?
Can you see me?
Can you see me?
拓展三,听教师讲小故事拓展句型 There is/are...,设计意图是为下课时学习There be句型做铺垫,同时培养学生听说语言表达能力。
Look! There is a beautiful park.
There are some trees in the park . I like trees .They are green.
I like birds. Look !There is a yellow bird in the tree. She is singing.
And I like flowers. There are beautiful flowers in the park. They are under the trees.
There are some people in the park. They are talking. They are under the tree.
I like boats ,too. Look !There is a lake on the lake. The boat is brown.
Look !There some ducks on the lake. They are happy. They are swimming.
Look !There is a bridge over the lake. The bridge is very long and so beautiful.
Do you like this beautiful park?
Step 5:综合说
Step 6:Homework:
Draw a park and introduce your park .

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