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姓名 阅读文献 朱芳清 34,36 邹沁含 79,自选 B1 郝杰 2,78 王欣苗 12,46 郑颢琳 90 闵柔 83、13 胡晨 81、44 周振东 3、97 -
姓名 阅读文献 牛晓杰 12 , 46 唐文静 26, 44 张婧 32, 48 周建蓉 13, 54 覃梦媛 71,72 路瑶 3,24 阚雨菲 2,51 于玻 30, 33 钟天隆 39,53 叶德奎 17,23 -
姓名 阅读文献 汪昱君 9,21 马昊天 43,45 俞雪君 4、8 郝梦珂 46,48 赵嵘池 10、22 吕倩如 18,47 安欣 26,44 汤筱玙 39,40 高雨杉 31,32 吕可 12,14 孟奕伶 17,38 宋彬 33,37 王智颖 19,23 孙健 2,27 李天媛 34,35 张媛媛 15,20 李皓 25,28 杨业宏 3,13 张明通 41,42 陶冶 32、37 张天怡 5,11 刘雅琦 24,36 刘嘉琦 16,49 高敏 6,30 刘展豪 1,7 29,47 -
1、2017-Mobile and Ubiquitous Learning---An International Handbook
2、2016-Effects of an augmented reality based educational game on students learning achievements and attitudes in real world observations
4、2010 ETS-Formative Assessment Design for PDA Integrated Ecology Observation(new)
7、2010-ETS-A Decision-Tree-Oriented Guidance Mechanism
8、2011-BJET-concept map as collaborative Mindtools for context-aware ubiquitous learning
9、2011-BJET-Development of a ubiquitous learning platform based on a real-time help-seeking mechanism
10、2011-C&E An interactive concept map approach to supporting mobile learning activities
12、2014-C&E-Students' online interactive patterns in augmented reality-based inquiry activities
14、2014-ETS-Problem-based Ubiquitous Learning Approach to Improving questioning abilities of Elementary School Students
15、2012-Learning in a u-Museum—— Developing a context-aware ubiquitous learning environment
16、2014-IwC- A progressive prompting approach for u- learning of natural science
17、2015_BJET_Interaction between gaming and multistage guiding strategies on students’ field trip mobile learning performance and motivation
18、2015-C&E-Interactive peer-assessment criteria development approach for art design performance using handheld device
19、2016-ILE-Development of a mobile learning system based on a collaborative problem posing strategy
23、2017-bjet-Influence of an inquiry-based ubiquitous gaming design on students' learning achievements, motivation, behavior patterns, and tendency towards critical thinking and problem solving
24、2012-AJET-U-learning for scientific inquiry in science park.pdf
25、2012-ETS-A Context-Aware M-Learning System for nursing skill training.pdf
26、2016-C&E - A self-regulated flipped classroom approach.pdf
30、2011_C&E-Effects of teaching and learning styles on students' reflection levels for ubiquitous.pdf
34、2016-Single loop and double loop learning-English vocabulary learning performance and behavior of students in situated computer games with different guiding strategies
36、2015-An SNS-based model for finding collaborative partners
37、2017-Effects of concept mapping based interactive e books on active and reflective style students learning performances in junior high school law courses
38、2016--Mobile Seamless Technology Enhanced CSL Oral Communication
39、2015-BJET-Effects of a peer competition-based mobile learning approach
40、2012-A context aware ubiquitous learning approach for providing instant learning support in personal computer assembly activities
42、2013-Effects of the inquiry based mobile learning model on the cognitive load and learning achievement of students
44、2013-A personalized recommendation-based mobile learning approach to improving the reading performance of EFL students
45、2013-Seamless connection between learning and assessment - applying progressive learning tasks in mobile ecology inquiry
49、2016-Facilitating professionals' work-based learning with context-aware mobile system
51、2008-Augmented learning Research and design of mobile educational games
52、2013-IJMBL-Augmented reality and mobile learning_ the state of the art
55、2017-Journal of Physics: Conference Series-Internet_of_Things_in_Higher_Education_A_Study_on_
56、2015-of Interactive Media in Education-Mobile and accessible learning for MOOCs
59、Smartcampus A user-centric testbed for internet of things experimentation
65、2007-A theory of learning for the mobile age
66、2009-New technologies, new pedagogies Mobile learning in higher education
69、2011-Research in Learning Technology-Viewing mobile learning from a pedagogical perspective
70、2007-C&E-[MOTIWALLA, 2007] Mobile learning- A framework and evaluation
74、2014- The Cambridge Handbook of the Learning Sciences-Sharples and Pea Mobile Learning Submitted
75、2008-The mobile devices and its mobile learning usage analysis
77、2019-Pedagogical Intervention Practices: Improving Learning Engagement Based on Early Prediction
78、2019-Visualizing the commognitive processes in computer-supported one-to-one tutoring
81、2019-Supporting primary students' learning of fraction conceptual knowledge through digital games
82、2012-Fostering personalized learning in science inquiry supported by mobile technologies
83、2017-Impact of mobile technology on student attitudes,engagement, and learning
85、2019-Construction and evaluation of an online environment to reduce off-topic messaging
88、2019-Fostering students’ participation in creating educational content through crowdsourcing
95、2015-Exploring Students’ Progression in an Inquiry Science Curriculum Enabled by Mobile Learning
98、2016-Learning with collaborative inquiry: a science learning environment for secondary students
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- 移动学习
- 经典文献
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