Unit3 I can swim very fast. Period 1st教学设计
环翠园小学 余韶玲


    Book5 Module2Ability Unit3 I can swim very fast. Period 1st


本节课是Module 2 Ability Unit 3 I can swim very fast. 的第一课时。本课内容从第一模块谈论自己的兴趣过渡到谈论自己的能力。对话内容相互关联,且知识相对比较简单。本节课主要完成课文对话听说学习、can的陈述句型运用以及副词与动词的搭配运用。



四、  教学目标


1. “四会”掌握本课单词和短语:together  far  That's right.

2. 学生知道情态动词can后面的动词要用原形。

3. 学生通过观察,知道well等副词的位置。


1. 学生能熟练运用句型表达自己的能力:

  I can well/fast/high/far.

2. 能正确使用well, fast, far, high等副词描述动作。

3. 学生能理解课文,并能将课文的对话迁移于其他图片。


1. 欣赏每个人的能力。

2. 自信表现自己的能力


1. 在实际生活情景中能运用所学句型。

2. 能积极运用英语进行交流。

3. 学会与他人合作。


1.       副词与动词搭配。


1. 利用图片创设有趣的情景


2. 结合话题,联系实际生活


(一)   Warming up

1. Let’s play a game. (现图片说短语,现短语不出声做动作)

Revision of some verbs and presentation of the title.

2. Let’s chant.

T: I can dance well. I want to go to the Talent Show.


(二)    Presentation

1.  Watch the show together.

(1) Present “high” with 3 funny pictures. Practice with 2 comparisons.

(2) Present “far” with 2 funny pictures. Practice with 2 pictures. 

(3) Present “fast” with a picture. Practices with 3 pictures.

Try to use the sentence: I have no legs, but I can swim fast.

(4) Present “well” with 2 pictures. Practice with 2 pictures.

Try to use the sentences: I have no arms, but I can write well.

I am only 8 years old, but I can play music very well.

2. Chant: Mr. Can

(三)   Practice

1.       Guessing game.

Who am I ?






A:I can …well/fast/high/far. Who am I ?

  I have no … , but I can … Who am I ?

  I am only ... , but I can … Who am I ?

B: You are A/B/C/…

2.       Learning the dialogue of Unit 3.

(1)    Listen and match.

(2)    Let’s watch the video and finish the sentences.

(3)    Read after the video silently.

(4)    Practice in groups.

(5)    Fill in the blanks.

(6)    Practice the dialogue with some new phrases.

(四)   Development

1.       Mind map.(思维导图)

Ss learn how to introduce themselves.

2.       Talent Show.

Ss try to show their abilities and try hard to get a pass.

(五)   Assessment

1.       Which group got most passes.

2.       What did we learn today?

(六)   Homework

1.       Read the dialogue and try to act it out.

2.       Try to talk about your abilities with more than 4 sentences.

3.       Write down your sentences.