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1、2017-Mobile and Ubiquitous Learning---An International Handbook
2、2016-Effects of an augmented reality based educational game on students learning achievements and attitudes in real world observations
4、2010 ETS-Formative Assessment Design for PDA Integrated Ecology Observation(new)
7、2010-ETS-A Decision-Tree-Oriented Guidance Mechanism
8、2011-BJET-concept map as collaborative Mindtools for context-aware ubiquitous learning
9、2011-BJET-Development of a ubiquitous learning platform based on a real-time help-seeking mechanism
10、2011-C&E An interactive concept map approach to supporting mobile learning activities
12、2014-C&E-Students' online interactive patterns in augmented reality-based inquiry activities
14、2014-ETS-Problem-based Ubiquitous Learning Approach to Improving questioning abilities of Elementary School Students
15、2012-Learning in a u-Museum—— Developing a context-aware ubiquitous learning environment
16、2014-IwC- A progressive prompting approach for u- learning of natural science
17、2015_BJET_Interaction between gaming and multistage guiding strategies on students’ field trip mobile learning performance and motivation
18、2015-C&E-Interactive peer-assessment criteria development approach for art design performance using handheld device
19、2016-ILE-Development of a mobile learning system based on a collaborative problem posing strategy
23、2017-bjet-Influence of an inquiry-based ubiquitous gaming design on students' learning achievements, motivation, behavior patterns, and tendency towards critical thinking and problem solving
24、2012-AJET-U-learning for scientific inquiry in science park.pdf
25、2012-ETS-A Context-Aware M-Learning System for nursing skill training.pdf
26、2016-C&E - A self-regulated flipped classroom approach.pdf
30、2011_C&E-Effects of teaching and learning styles on students' reflection levels for ubiquitous.pdf
34、2016-Single loop and double loop learning-English vocabulary learning performance and behavior of students in situated computer games with different guiding strategies
36、2015-An SNS-based model for finding collaborative partners
37、2017-Effects of concept mapping based interactive e books on active and reflective style students learning performances in junior high school law courses
38、2016--Mobile Seamless Technology Enhanced CSL Oral Communication
39、2015-BJET-Effects of a peer competition-based mobile learning approach
40、2012-A context aware ubiquitous learning approach for providing instant learning support in personal computer assembly activities
42、2013-Effects of the inquiry based mobile learning model on the cognitive load and learning achievement of students
44、2013-A personalized recommendation-based mobile learning approach to improving the reading performance of EFL students
45、2013-Seamless connection between learning and assessment - applying progressive learning tasks in mobile ecology inquiry
49、2016-Facilitating professionals' work-based learning with context-aware mobile system
51、2008-Augmented learning Research and design of mobile educational games
52、2013-IJMBL-Augmented reality and mobile learning_ the state of the art
55、2017-Journal of Physics: Conference Series-Internet_of_Things_in_Higher_Education_A_Study_on_
56、2015-of Interactive Media in Education-Mobile and accessible learning for MOOCs
59、Smartcampus A user-centric testbed for internet of things experimentation
65、2007-A theory of learning for the mobile age
66、2009-New technologies, new pedagogies Mobile learning in higher education
69、2011-Research in Learning Technology-Viewing mobile learning from a pedagogical perspective
70、2007-C&E-[MOTIWALLA, 2007] Mobile learning- A framework and evaluation
74、2014- The Cambridge Handbook of the Learning Sciences-Sharples and Pea Mobile Learning Submitted
75、2008-The mobile devices and its mobile learning usage analysis
77、2019-Pedagogical Intervention Practices: Improving Learning Engagement Based on Early Prediction
78、2019-Visualizing the commognitive processes in computer-supported one-to-one tutoring
81、2019-Supporting primary students' learning of fraction conceptual knowledge through digital games
82、2012-Fostering personalized learning in science inquiry supported by mobile technologies
83、2017-Impact of mobile technology on student attitudes,engagement, and learning
85、2019-Construction and evaluation of an online environment to reduce off-topic messaging
88、2019-Fostering students’ participation in creating educational content through crowdsourcing
95、2015-Exploring Students’ Progression in an Inquiry Science Curriculum Enabled by Mobile Learning
98、2016-Learning with collaborative inquiry: a science learning environment for secondary students
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- 移动学习
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