• 人教版 PEP四年级上Unit 5 What does she do Part B Let’s ta

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    PEPBook7Unit 5 What does she do? Part B Let’s talk教学设计

    PEPBook7Unit 5 What does she do? Part B Let’s talk


    丰宁实验小学 孟玉玲


    1. 能够听懂、会说本课对话,并能在情境中运用。

    2. 能够听、说、读、写句型“Where does she work? How does she go to work?”并在情景中运用。


    1. 本课重点是掌握句型:Where does she work? How does she go to work?

    2. 本课难点是正确使用本单元重点句型。


    1. 录音机。

    2. 教师准备课件,卡片。


    Step1 warm up and revision(课前热身和复习)


    师问:What’s the date today ? What day is it today? What’s the weather like today? 生回答。

    2)播放课本56Let’s chant 并回答 “ What does his father do?”

    3)名人图片复习职业的单词His father is an actor . he likes stars very much. Who are they? Let’s have a look.

    T:“Who’s he?

    Ss : He is Yao Ming.

    T: What does he do?

    Ss :He is a basketball player.




    Step 2 引入新授(Presentation)


    T: What does she do?

    Ss: She is an artist .

    T: Who is she ? Can you guess?

    Ss: 生猜

    生猜不到老师告诉 She is Sarah’s mother. She is an artist. She goes to work on foot. How does your mother go to work? 用开火车的形式练习。

    2TYour mother is a ---, She goes to work by ---.But What about Amy’s mother? Where does she work? How does she go to work?(出示幻灯片)Open your books to page 62. Let’s try: Listen and tick.

    (3) 听录音回答问题 How does she go to work ?

    Where does she go to work ?

    (4) 听录音后回答问题学习”company and Where does she work ?” 并用游戏的方式学习新句子。

    【设计意图】通过Let’s try部分听力选择,导入新知识的学习,同时利用游戏的形式巩固新知。

    Step3 Text

    (1)T: Amy’s mother works in a shoe company. She goes to work by subway.What about Mike’s mother? What does Mike’s mother do? Where does she work? How does she go to work ? Let’s look at the cartoons. 出示动画,回答问题。

    2Read after the cartoons.

    (3)Open your books to page 62 ,Read after the tape .

    (4)Now I’m chenjie , You’re Mike .

    (5)This time ,Practise in pairs . you can read ,remember or make a dialouge ,if you like you can talk about your parents or these pictures.

    (6)Who can act the dialouge out.


    Step4 Consolitation(拓展练习)

    (1)Let’s have a rest .播放有趣的小故事,并回答问题

    a: Who is she ?

    b: What does she do ?

    c: Where does she work?

    d: How does she go to work ?

    e: What does she like ?



    (2) Let’s listen




    Step 5 Homework

    板书: Unit 5 What does she do?

    B Let’s talk

    What does he/she do? He /she is a (an)---

    Where does he/she work? He/she works ---

    How does he/she go to work? He /she goes to work ---


    本节课是六年级上册五单元B部分的一节对话课,对话内容是在A部分的基础上学习新句型Where does she work ? She works---how does she go to work.语言基础上谈论家庭朋友。How does she go to work ? She does to workby---在热身的时候把它当做复习的内容,学生对这个句子并不陌生。这节课主要学习Where does she work ? She works---。本课的教学内容比较贴近生活实际,在教学过程中,学生能够联系自己的父母亲及其他家庭成员的职业,对其进行提问,同时我也尽量多的给学生创设真实的情景,让所学知识得到运用,以达到英语教学的真正目的:开口说英语,快乐学英语。在练习的设计上我以打造有效课堂为目的,以学生的发展为目标,在学习的过程中做到词不离句,句不离篇。课堂的最后给学生一个思维发展的空间,充分体现了一学生为主的教学理念。同时又对课文中的重点内容做到有效的拓展和延伸。

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