Unit 5 Do you like pears ?B Let's talk



           Unit 5 Do you like pears?

           B Lets talk 的教学设计

河北省丰宁县第三小学  吴凤娟


本节课的教学设计三以学生的日常生活为题材,包括了“apple, orange, pear, banana, grapes, strawberry等学生常见的水果,这些都是学生喜闻乐见、易于接受的课题,遵循思想性、趣味性、灵活开放性等原则,学生对水果等的教学比较感兴趣,学生学过了这些单词和句型后,能在日常生活中正确运用,真正做到学以致用。




1.在学习A部分“Do You like...?Yes, I like.../No, I dont like...”的基础上,理解并掌握Can I have? SorryI dont like! 等语言知识。




教学重点:理解并掌握Can I have?  Sorry. I dont like! 等语言知识。

教学难点:理解Can I have? Sorry. I dont like! 的含义


1.准备banana, apple等水果的图片以及fruit的单词卡。


 3.学生准备一张统计表。在表格中填入所学过的水果或食物,如banana, apple, juice, chicken.


六 教 学 过 程



Ask one student give daily report.

(设计说明:师生互相问候既可以复习旧知又可以拉近师生距离,每天让学生做daily report 既可以锻炼他们的口语交际,又可以扩大学生的词汇量。)

2. 教师播放A部分Lets chant

I eat apples .

I eat grapes.

I eat bananas.----Yummy!

I eat oranges.

I eat pears.

A fruit bowl in my tummy!





T: Boys and girls ,we have learnt some fruits this unit. Now there are some pictures of fruits in my hand. I  will describe the taste, the  colour and the shape, you should guess what kind of fruit ?


2. (教师引导语)

TBoys and girls, look at the picture, In pairs make a dialogue.(学生利用图片及key points进行对话练习。)


A: Hello!

B: Hi!

A: Lets buy some fruit.

B: Great!

A: Do you like apples?

B: Yes, I do.

A: Do you like oranges?

B: No, I dont.

Step3. Presentation

1. 看视频回答问题。

T: Zhang Peng, Sarah and Mike are good friends. Today ,Zhang Peng and Mike go to Sarahs home .Lets  look at what kind of fruit do they like?

Answer the questions

1Mike likes _______. 

 A. grapes     B. oranges

2 Zhang Peng  likes _________

   A. grapes   B. bananas


2.Lets talk(处理课文)






Step4 创设情景拓展听读

No1.Story time 回答问题

教师首先让学生看Story time 回答问题。

文本框: Watch the story time. Check the answers with T or F. 
1. Zoom wants some chicken and  a hot dog.(     )   
2. Zip wants some bananas ,oranges and apples. .(      ) 
3. Zoom likes milk ,juice and water. .(     ) 
4. Rabbit  agrees(同意)to  doggy bag.(打包).(      ) 












文本框: Zoom: Wow! 8 dollars!         
Zip: It’s cheap! 
Zoom: I want some chicken and a hot dog. 
Zoom: I want some bananas, oranges and apples.   
Zip: Do you like milk? 
Zoom: Yeah!  I like milk, juice and Coke.
Zip: Oh! I’m full.   
Zoom: Doggy bag , please.   
Rabbit: No way!









No2.. Recycle two 的一个小对话,回答问题。


文本框: 1.Which animal can get the grapes?(          )
A. monkey    B. elephant
2. Which animal can get the bananas?(           )
A. duck         B. elephant
3. Which animal can get the strawberries?(          )
A. duck         B. elephant
4. Which animal likes bananas?(             )
A. elephant     B. monkey     C. elephant and monkey













文本框: Monkey: Look! So much fruit!     
Bird: I can get the grapes.
Elephant: I’m big and tall. I can get the bananas.
Duck: I’m short. I can get the strawberries.
Monkey: 13 bananas! 20 grapes…
Monkey: We have grapes ,strawberries, apples, and…eh?
Duck: Where are the bananas?
Elephant: Sorry!  I like bananas.
Monkey: Hey! I like bananas, too.












No3.Read and answer the questions with Yes or No.

文本框: Hello! I am Wang Hong. I like apples very much. I don't like grapes.My father likes watermelons. He doesn't like strawberries.My mother likes bananas. She doesn't like pears.
(   ) 1. Wang Hong likes apples. 
(   ) 2. Wang Hong doesn’t like pears. 
(   ) 3. Her(她的) father likes watermelons. 
(   ) 4. Her mother likes bananas. 
(   ) 5. Her mother doesn’t like oranges.













Step5 Scene changing


Key Points

文本框: A: Good morning!
B: Good morning!
A: Let’s eat some fruit!
B: Ok!
A: Do you like apples?
B: Yes, I do. It’s sweet.
A: Do you like oranges?
B: Sorry ,I don’t like oranges . It’s sour.
A: Me, neither.












Step6.Lets sing a song.<An apple a day>

文本框: 关于苹果的英语谚语你知道多少?
the apple of one's eye
the Big Apple
An apple a day keeps doctor away.









Step7 Homework

1.Listen to the tape for 10  minutes.(听磁带10分钟)

2.Make  a dialogue with your partner.


3.Ask your parents what kind of fruit do they like?

