How many…(Revision)教学设计

环翠园小学 陈斯琴

      本节课在听说读写的一系列活动中巩固复习数量词、学校场室名称词,主要巩固复习M3、M4中学习的How many ...?的三种问句及应答。并在实践中运用单词、句型进行交流。
   2、 主要复习和巩固所学过的数量词十几和几十,如thirteen, thirty等,以及学校场室单词:classroom, library, swimming pool, playground, teachers’room, computer room, classroom building, music room, dining hall, gym
   3、能在听说读写的活动中巩固下列句型: 1)How many ... are there ...? There is /are … . 如:How many classrooms are there in your school? 2) How many ... does ... have? ... has ... 3) How many ... do you have? I/We /They have ... 。
    4、 能询问和表述学校设备数量,如:How many computers are there in our school?
    1, 数量词十几和几十的认读。
    2, How many ...?的三种问句及应答的理解、区别和运用。
    1、 Free talk
    2、 复习数词
    3、 Task 1 : Which is missing ?
    4、 Task 2 : 小组PK,复习有关单词。
    5、 Task 3: 唱小诗,回答问题。
回顾How many ...?的三种问句及应答。分步进行巩固操练。归纳小结语法点。
    6、 Task 4: 巩固练习
   (1) Choose the right answers
   (2) Make a sentence
   (3) Reading
    7、 Task 5: Report
   (1) 看视频,Let’s talk .
   (2) Writing .
  8、 Homework
板书设计:                                            Revision
                                             How many ... are there ...?
                                              There is /are … .
                                             How many ... does ... have?
                                                 ... has ...
                                           How many ... do you have?
                                           I/We/They have ..