• Training -SOAR

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    • SOAR Strategy.

    Overview of SOAR Strategy (Experimental Group)

    Instruction: View SOAR overview, read the two passages and see the practice of SOAR components.

    Elements Concepts
    Select Write a set of notes that, include main ideas, and importance information
    Organize Organize noted information into the chart for comparison
    Associate Find the relationship between importance information
    Regulate Assign to the test questions to regulate your ideas.

    Learning Materials-Training text1

    Passage1 : Black widow spider Black widow  spiders prefer to live in undisturbed areas, such as rock or woodpiles,  occupy garages, storage sheds, or crawlspaces, particularly in temperate regions around  the world. Black widows can be identified by their round, shiny black bodies and the distinctive red hourglass marking on their underside. Black window bites are rarely fatal, but can be serious and should receive medical attention as soon as possible. Symptoms may include headache, muscle cramps and weakness. Female black widow spiders are about 0.5 inch long, to about 1.5 inches long when the legs are spread. Males are about half the female's size, with smaller bodies and longer legs.Both females and males have shiny, globular abdomens and are mostly black and sometimes brown. Like many spiders, the black widow spider eats other arachnids and insects that get caught in their webs.

    Learning materials-Training text2

    Passage2: Brown window spiders Brown window spiders are brown as the name suggests, an easier way to recognize a brown widow is by its egg sac which is covered in small silk spikes. The size of brown widow is almost between 1 to 1.5 inches, their eating habits are prefer to eat insects inside the home. They can live in a small clear plastic container with a hole in the center of the lid that is stuffed with a piece of cotton.The venom of a brown widow is twice as potent as a black widow, although brown widows release less venom when they bite. Prevent brown widows in your home by tidying up and removing clutter to take away their hiding places, and by keeping your home free from other insects so they have fewer food sources.The brown widow builds its web in secluded, protected sites around homes and in woody vegetation with branches. brown widows are more inclined to spin their webs in places humans congregate, especially under outdoor furniture and around barbecues.




    • Example of Selection

    • Example of Organization

    • Example of Association

    • Example of Regulation

    • Selection practice
    Selection practice
    After reading 2 passages write note that includes main ideas and importance information
    • Practice (Organize)
    Practice (Organize)
    Organize previous noted information into the chart for comparison
    • Practice (Associate)
    Practice (Associate)
    Associate to find the relationship between importance information
    • Practice (Regulate)
    Practice (Regulate)
    Practice the test to regulate your ideas.
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