• 农二师31团王英红Shapes教学设计

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    • shapes教学设计


    • 教学目标:

    1.能正确地听、说、读、词汇a square, rectangle. a triangle, a circle。

    2.能正确地听、说、读、句型What shape is the …? It’s a …   

    • 教学重点



    • 教学准备

    小黑板、彩色图片、单词挂板、、单词彩色卡、日历牌、星棒:,各种形状的礼物。 写有单词的各种形状卡片,装有图片和实物的长方形的包.学生事先准备好各种自己喜欢的东西。

    教学准备:word cards,各种形状日用品

    学习歌曲Twinkle  Twinkle,Little stars、学生准备各种形状日用品


    • 教材分析:

           本书由课程教材研究所英语课程教材研究开发中心、北京市海淀区教师进修学校和加拿大Lingo Media国际集团联合编写。本课是新起点一年级下册第十三单元的第73课,主要是学习几种常见的形状名称,是本单元的起始课。  本套教材的教学目的是激发学生学习英语的兴趣,培养他们英语学习的积极态度,使他们建立初步的学习英语的自信心;培养学生一定的语感和良好的语音、语调并初步打下良好的书写基础;培养良好的学习习惯;培养他们初步用英语进行简单日常交际的能力。同时,注重培养学生观察、记忆、想象和创造能力。适当介绍中西方文化,培养学生爱国主义精神,增强世界意识,为学生的进一步学习奠定良好的基础。

    • 学生分析


    • 教学过程:

    Step1.Warming up \Revision.                                                     

    1.Greetings.                                                                    设计意图.以打招呼的方式与学生展开交流,简单的日常问候迅速拉近教师与学生之间的距离。           

    Pair work: What do you see in the picture?

    Step 2. Presentation.

    Shapes, What shape is it?.

       Sing a chant and learn the new words.  设计意图,   这一环节的设计可谓一举两得,既复习了学习过的 句子,What’s this?又为学习新课做好铺垫 。)


    1 . Look at the blackboard,please. I can draw a kite.Can you draw the kite?学生回答Yes ,I  can.后,我用手势要求学生Come to the blackboard and show us how to do it.           学生画完后,引导他们自问自答.What shape is the  kite ?It is a square.   .                 

    2. 我拿出一个长方形的 包并问一个学生 ,Look ,I have a bag. What shape is it? Is it a    square,too? 引导其回答 .No.  It is a rectangle.                         

    3。利用学生自带的物品和黑板上的图片教学单词与句子square , a triangle ,circle。

    What shape is it?

    Students show their objects. 我走近一个学生,问,What do you have? I have a ball. What shape is your ball? 引出circle这个单词。Then I ask,What shape is the rulerl?It is a triangle.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            

    4 .Play a guessing game .

    a.Teacher says,Today you are great! So I have some gifts for you.Guess what I have in this bag.. b .Take out the pictures.Using these gifts to view the new words , a triangle, a square, a circle, a rectangle and sentence,   What shape is it? It's a ……..  

    C. Look at the blackboard and point to the words. circle., rectangle ,a triangle, square.                    (   设计意图,以实物或图片作为 礼物奖励给学生为切入点,让他们猜猜袋子中物品复习并巩固新词a triangle, , rectangle circle. square .及句子,What shape is it? .It’s   a … )

    Step 3 .   Practice .( Say the rhyme)

    1. 接着我出示一支风筝 ,这支风筝是用三角形拼成的,

    问How many triangles are  there ? There are four. How many squares are there?

    S, There is one.

    T,Good ..Now we  can say a rhyme .(出示小黑板)  triangle,  triangle, four  triangles. Square ,square, one square. Oh ,  this is a nice kite.

    T,(出示用图形拼成的图片.小汽车木偶,房子,鱼等)  Please say a rhyme like this.                      

    S, (学生小组练说各组的图形)    先互问,运用句型, What shape is the  ?   How many … are there?                     

    Now let us have a rest.  

    Listen to a song

    “Twinkle  Twinkle,Little stars”


    Step 4 .Let’s say.

    1.(小黑板、练习纸A)Make a model:ask and answer about the pictures on the Bb.  

    2.Pratise in groups

    3.Check.              A:  What shape is it?

    B:   It’s a….



    资源1.课题组资源。What’s this?

    资源2.课题组资源  How many….?

    Step 6.Let’s talk.

    •   A:What do you see in the picture?
    •   B:I see….
    •   A:What shape is it?
    •   B:It’s ….
    •   A:How many…are there?
    •   B:…


    .Step 8 Homework                          

    1 Draw and say

    1.想用什么方法把今天认识的新朋友介绍给你们的爸爸,妈妈? 这时我布置任务。

    (单词卡)Read and put the words on the right places. 找朋友游戏(此游戏是为基础不好的孩子准备的) (       Pair work)

    3.Take out the objects ,and use the new words and sentences: How many…  are there?

    4. .Today we have learnt shapes. .The shapes are very useful in our life. Then  we  can use  them  make  nice  pictures .

    小小设计师,用我们今天认识的图形,发挥你们的想象,设计一些你们满意的图案。       学生展示,介绍。

    • 教学课件:
    • 标签:
    • 学习
    • square
    • 学生
    • 单词
    • 设计
    • shape
    • 培养
    • 英语
    • triangle
    • 形状
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