• Toys 第二课时

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    请在这里输入段落内容...Unit 11 Toys

    <Period  2>

    一、       教材分析

    本单元是新起点一年级下册的第三单元,主要围绕玩具这个话题展开,主要涉及的单词有train、car、boat、bus、plane、pinwheel、doll、ball、teddy bear玩具名称。这堂课本单元第二课时,主要学习的单词是pinwheel、doll、ball、teddy bear,拓展的句型是Is this …? Yes, it is. No, it isn’t.

    二、       教学目标


    1.       复习上节课所学单词train、car、boat、bus、plane及句型I want a/an …

    2.       学习新单词pinwheel、doll、ball、teddy bear.

    3.  句型为Is this …? Yes, it is. No, it isn’t.


    1.           结合卡片、实物、ppt等媒体,通过游戏、练习等活动,复习所学单词和句子,培养学生的学习兴趣。

    2.           鼓励优秀生帮助后进生,发挥其优势,带动后进生共同进步。


    1.       培养学生的学习兴趣。

    2.       提高学生的英语应用能力。

    三、       学情分析


    四、       教学重点

    巩固单词train、car、boat、bus、plane、pinwheel、doll、ball、teddy bear句型Is this …? Yes, it is. No, it isn’t..使学生能够很好地掌握所学知识,并能进行简单对话。

    五、       教学难点

    识记单词train、car、boat、bus、plane、pinwheel、doll、ball、teddy bear句型Is this …? Yes, it is. No, it isn’t.. 并能进行实际对话。

    六、       教学准备:实物,卡片,ppt,books.

    七、       教学步骤:

    Step 1 Review.

    1.       Greet to the whole class as usual.

    2.       Say a chant.<Lesson 61  Part  A>

    3.       Model.

    T : Good morning. What’s this?

    S1:Good morning. It’s a boat.

    4.       Work in pairs and show.

    Step 2 Presentation

    1.       Enjoy a chant.<Lesson 61 Part B>

    2.       Teach the new words.

    T (shows a ball)What’s this? It’s a ball.

    What’s this?

    Ss: It’s a ball.

    T: Ball, ball, it’s a ball. Follow me.

    Ss: Ball, ball, it’s a ball.

    (Teach doll ,pinwheel in the same way.)

    2. Let’s enjoy an English song.(Teddy bear)

    T: What’s this?

    Ss: It’s a teddy bear.

    Step 3 Consolidation

    1. Sing a chant.<Ball, ball, it’s a ball.>

    2. Let’s play a game. <What’s this?>

    T says these words quietly, ss say these words loudly.

    3. Model.

    T: Good morning. What’ s this?

    S2: It’s a ball.

    4.Work in pairs and show.

    Step 4 Extending

    1. Listen to the chant. <Is this a ball? Yes, it is. Is this a teddy bear? No, it isn’t.>

    2. Let’s say this chant together.

    3.Say the chant by yourselves.

    4.Look and answer.

    T: Is this a doll?

    Ss: Yes. It is.

    T: Is this a ball?

    Ss: No, it isn’t. It’s a teddy bear.


    T: Is this a ball?

    S1:Yes,it is.


    S2:Is this a boat?

    T: No, it isn’t. It’s a plane.

    Step 5 综合说

    1.Say a chant.< Lesson 61  Part  A >


    T:Is this a boat?

    S3:Yes,it is.


    S4:Is this a pinwheel?

    T:No,it isn’t.

    S4:What’s this?

    T:It’s a teddy bear.

    3.Work in pairs and show.

    Blackboard design

    Unit 11 Is this a ball?

    Is this a ball?

    Yes.It is.

    Is this a pinwheel?

    No,It isn’t.

    What’s this?

    It’s a teddy bear.                                                                         

    • 标签:
    • ss
    • ball
    • pinwheel
    • 单词
    • 学生
    • whats
    • doll
    • teddy
    • bear
    • boat
    • 22李莹
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