• PEP小学英语三年级下册Unit2 My family第一课时教学设计

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    PEP小学英语三年级下册Unit2 My family第一课时教学设计

    PEP小学英语三年级下册Unit2My family第一课时教学设计

    何菊 农二师三十三团学校 

    Beable to understand and say: Who’s that woman(man)? She’s/He’s my mother/father.……

    2.Be able to introduce your family to others and ask people about theirfamily members.

    3.Improve Ss’ intercourse abilities.

    1. Todevelop students’ competitive and cooperative spirits.
    2. Todevelop students’ quality of loving their father and mother.
    .FocusPoints & Difficult Points :

    1.Tolearn the patterns and to use them in the daily life.
    --Who’sthat woman?               ---Who’sthat man?
    --She’s my mother .                 ---He’smy father.

    .Teaching Preparation:

    1.Ssbring their family photos, T brings a family photo and a friend’spicture.

    2.Headgear of Amy and Chen Jie.
    Step1 Warm-up
    1.Sing a song :Boy and Girl 


    1.T:Good morning, boys and girls! I’m a new teacher. I’m MissHe. What’s your name?

    S1:My name’s …

    T:Where are you from?

    S1:I’m from XinJiang.

    T:Oh, me too. Nice to meet you.

    S1:Nice to meet you, too.

    2.Dopair work.

    A:Hello, I’m____ .I’m from China. Where are you from?

    B:I’mfrom _____.( XinJiang /HeNan /ChongQing…)

    A:Niceto meet you .

    B:Niceto meet you ,too.

    T:Whois this girl/boy?

    S:She/Heis ….

    Step2 Presentation

    1. T:Who’sthe girl? S: She is Chen Jie(Amy)

    T:listen:whatare they talking about?

    1. learnthe words: father, mother , man ,woman.

    learnthe sentences:

    --Who’sthat woman?                ---Who’s that man?
    --She’s my mother.                          ---He’s my father.

    1)T:Today we will learn a new unit, Unit 2 My Family. ( T shows the wallmap.)Every one has a family. We have dad, mom……Do youknow what’s the meaning of family?Tteaches the pronunciation of family.

    Tshows her family photo: This is my family. He’s my father.

    Tshows the word card “father”: He’s my father.

    S:He’s my father.

    T:Father, father↗↘, he’s my father.

    T:You also can say “ He’s my dad.”

    2)T:Look at the picture. Guess! Who’s she?

    S:She’s your mother.

    T:Great! She’s my mother.

    S:She’s my mother.

    T:Mother, mother↗↘, she’s my mother.

    T:You also can say “ She’s my mom.”

    3).Doa chant:

    Father,father↗↘, he’s my father.

    Mother,mother↗↘, she’s my mother.
    4.).T:Please look at the screen,Who’s he ?

    S:He is Yao Ming.

    T:And he is a man .

    T:man, man, he is a man .

    Likethis to teach woman

    Explainthe difference between “girl”and “woman”.Forexample:You are a girl,your mother is a woman.Miss Tian is awoman,too.
    Do you understand “woman”

    5).Do a chant:

    Man,man↗↘, he’s a man

    Woman,woman↗↘, she’s a woman

    6).T:Who’s this girl\boy?(point to a girl student in the class.)
     Ss:She\He is ….(a classmate’s name)

    T:Who’s that girl\boy?(point to a girl student in the class.)

    Ss:She\heis ….
    Practice like this several times in order to makestudents understand the sentences meanings.

    7).Goon showing a photo ofLiuXing, ask “Who’s that man?”

    S:Heis ….

    Guidestudents to practice in pairs like this:
      S1:Who’sthat man?
      S2:He’s Yao Ming.
    8).Put up a photo ofJin Guizi
      T:Look at the photo,who’s that woman?
       Oh!She’s ….

    Trythem to understand the sentences meanings.
    .(Ask that student)T:Who’s that woman?
                                S: She’s…..

     Letthem practice the sentence pattern in pairs.
    Step 3Consolidation
    .Do a chant:

    Man, man, who’s that man ?

    He’smy father. He’s my father.

    Woman,woman, who’s that woman ?

    She’smy mother. She’s my mother.


    S1holds her family photo: This is my family.

    S2:Who’s that woman?

    S1:She’s my mother.

    S3:Who’s that man?

    S1:He’s my father.

    Step4 Extension

    1.sing a song father and mother


    A:Whois that man? B: He is my father.

    A:Whois that woman? B:She is my mother.

    A:Whois that old man? B:He is my grandfather.

    A:Who is that old woman? B:She is my grandmother.


    Hello,boys and girls. I have a happy family. My father is tall and fat. Helikes dogs. My mother is short and thin. She likes apples very much.I’m a student. I love my family.

    Step5 Free talk

    A:Good morning! I’m____. B: Good morning! I’m____.

    A:Nice to meet you. B:Nice to meet you,too.

    A: Look at the picture. B:Who’s that man?

    A:He is my_____. He is tall. (short \thin\ fat…)

    B:Who’s that woman?

    A: She is my_____ .She likes apples .(bananas\eggs \dogs…)

    Ilove my____.


                     Unit2 My Family

            (1).---Who’s that woman?
        (2). ---Who’s that




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    • 标签:
    • whos
    • woman
    • meet
    • shes
    • hes
    • father
    • man
    • girl
    • family
    • mother.
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