• 土城小学PEP 六上 unit6 A let’s learn

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    • 教学 内容:PEP 六上 unit6 A let's learn
    • 教学目标:1.听说读写本部分四个黑体单词(stream, rain, cloud, sun)和听说认读一个白体单词(vapour).

              2. 听说认读句子:where does the rain come from? 并能灵活运用进行问答。

    • 教学重点: 五个单词及一个句子
    • 教学难点: vapour ,stream ,clouds 发音。
    • 教 具: 录音机,媒体课件。
    • 教学过程:

    Step1: Revision

    (1)oral English:

    T: I am your teacher,I am your friend ,too.Yes? So, I’ll tell you something about mine.where do I come from?I come from Gaoyingzi,and I know Go Pengwei comes from Tucheng. Now ,can you tell me ,where do you come from?

    T: where do you come from?

    S1: I come from .......


    (2)T:I have three new friends, they are Amy ,Mike and a panda.look at the picture,where does Amy come from? You can look at the flag.

    S4: She comes from America.(提问三组同学,适当加分)

    Step2: New lesson


    T: This time we’ll meet some new friends, they come from the nature, open your book page 70 ,look at the new words and sentence,try to learn them by yourselves,and then tell me what you have learned.OK, let’s begin.

    Ss:study the new words and sentence .

    T: what have you learned?

    Ss: ......(提问三组同学,适当加分)


    T: this time let’s look at the screen, what’s this?

    Ss:It’s rain.

    T: Where does the rain come from?

    Ss: It comes from the clouds.

    T: ......

    Ss: ......

    (3) listen and feel

        Look at the screen ,then listen and feel the sounds of the nature.

    (4) listen and repeat

        Listen to the tape and follow it.

    (5) read and remember

        Read and talk the new words and sentence in groups,try to remember them.

    Step3: practice

    1. look at the picture and say it in English.(由1——5组完成)
    2. spell the words .(由6——9 组完成)(写在练习本上)
    3. answer the questions: what can you see in the picture?(1——3组完成)
    4. look at the screen and answer the questions.(4----9组完成)
    5. look at the chart then make a new dialouge on the exercise book.

    Step4: 情感教育

    T: water is limitate, so we must save the water.

    Step5: homework

    • 板书:

                      Unit6 A let’s learn

               A: Where does the rain come from?

               B: It comes from the clouds.




           rain                               clouds



     water                             vapour

       in the stream

    • 标签:
    • ss
    • 适当
    • rain
    • 提问
    • tell
    • words
    • 教学设计
    • 加分
    • look
    • listen
    • 完成
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