• Unit 7How much are the pants?

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    • 教学主题:

    How much are the pants/

    • 教学对象

    Junior Students.

    • 单元概述

    How to ask the price? How to go shopping?

    • 单元教学目标
    1. Vocabulary(本课要掌握的词汇): socks, T-shirt, pants, shoes, shorts, sweater, skirt ,big, small, short, long, expensive, pink , grey ,change
    2. Speaking(本课要做的口语练习): Conversation in page 31.
    3. Reading(本课要完成的阅读):  Passage 1on P34 of New Step EngliLearning

    Learning Exercises:

    Step I

    • 教学过程

    Teaching procedure




    10 mins


    T shows Ss a bag and asks questions:

    • What’s this in English?
    • What color is it?
    • Is it a big one or small one? (It’s a small black bag)
    • Is it a short one or long one? ( It’s a long black bag)
    • Do you like it?
    • Can you guess “How much is it?” (It’s…..)
    • How much is your bag?
    • How much are your clothes? ( They’re…)
    • Can you remember the names of the clothes? (PPT)
    • Finish1b.


    Review the key sentences learnt in the previous units and move on to learnt those in the new unit.



    15 mins

    ----Please write the color and the price of your socks, T-shirt, shorts,     sweater, hat, pants, shoes, skirt and jacket.

    Oral practice:( according to what you have written)

    • T asks Ss to practice in pairs using the pattern “How much is your…..? It’s……    How much are your….?  They’re…

    --Exchange worksheets and work in pairs: “How much is your black jacket?/ How much are these blue socks?...

    --- T invites Ss to perform.



    10 mins

    • Listening exercises: Section A, 1b, 2a and 2b.
    • Quick eyes (PPT)
    • 3a Fill in the blanks in the conversation.
    • 3b


    5 mins

    • T assigns homework:
    • Finish the worksheet./3b.
    • Reading: the conversation on P31 of New Step English


    • 标签:
    • ss
    • color
    • exercises
    • ppt
    • 7
    • socks
    • black
    • learnt
    • bag
    • step
    • Unit
    • 本课
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