• Unit 1 My New Teachers 第二课时(小学五年级英语上册)

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    • Teaching goals and requirements教学目标
      1. Sentence Pattern:Who’s your math teacher? What’s he like?  Replace the key word in the actual situation.
      2. Listen and choose the right answer.
      3. Know difference in calling names between Chinese and western.
      • Teaching important point教学重点
        1. Make dialogues after learning sentence pattern.
        • Teaching important point教学难点
        1. Foster listening ability.
        • Teaching aids教具

                   Recorder and word cards.

          • Teaching Procedure教学过程
            1. Warm-up
            1. Sing song”My New Teacher”
            1. Free talk



            T:How are you?

            Ss:Fine,thank you.And you?


            1. Revision

            Ask some students coming to the front of the class.Then let others choose one friend from them and describe their characteristic.

            A:What’s your friend?

            B:He’s Zhang Peng.

            A:What’s he like?

            B:He’s tall and strong.


            1. Presentation呈现新知

            Let’s try &Let’s talk

            1. Play the tape and ask students to circle right answer.
            2. Show some pictures in the book,then demand to remember the teachers when close their books.Ask some students describe the teachers that he has remembered.
            3. Listen to the tape and read after it.
            4. Read the dialogue in roles.
            5. Practice the dialogue just like:

            A:Do you have new teachers?

            B:Yes,we have a new English teacher.

            A:What ’s her name?

            B:Miss Zhang.

            A:What ’s she like?

            B:She’s tall and thin.


            B:She’s very funny.


            五、Good to knonw

            Know the difference in calling names between Chinese and western.

            • Extending reading(扩展阅读)

            Ask students to read extending material:dialogue 3、5、8 and reading 3.Then make a dialogue from these sentences:

            A:How many new teachers are there in your school this year?

            B:There are three new teachers.

            A:Who are they?

            B:An English teacher,a Chinese teacher,a music teacher.

            A:Who’s your Chinese teacher?

            B:Mr Hu.

            A:What’s he like?

            B:He’s tall and thin.He’s very funny.


            • 标签:
            • chinese
            • whats
            • 学生
            • teacher
            • teachers
            • dialogue
            • hes
            • students
            • tall
            • 英语
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