Richard E. Clark
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近期,他出版了四本著作:《从媒体中学习:观点、分析与证据》(2001,信息时代出版社);《奖励、动机与工作绩效:研究与最佳实践》(2002,绩效改进国际协会);《处理学习环境中的复杂问题:研究与理论》(2006, Elsevier)以及《将研究转为成果:选择正确解决绩效方案的指南》(2002, CEP Press),该书获得了绩效改进国际协会的卓越奖。
1、 教学心理学(教学理论)
2、 认知动机理论
4、 媒体研究与评价设计
5、 能力处理交互性(Aptitude-treatment Interaction,ATI)研究
6、 职业、企业及政府组织的培训设计
7、 认知任务分析
8、 高级专家发展
9、 组织间差距分析与绩效改进
1. Elen, J. and Clark, R. E. (2006) 处理学习环境中的复杂问题:理论与实践(Handling Complexity in Learning Environments: Research and Theory.) Oxford, GB: Elsevier Science Ltd.
2. Clark, R. E. and Estes, F. (2002). 将研究转为成果:选择正确解决绩效方案的指南(Turning Research into Results: A guide to selecting the right performance Solutions. )Atlanta: CEP Press.
3. Stolovitch, H., Clark, R. E., & Condly, S. (2002). 奖励、动机与工作绩效:研究与最佳实践(Incentives, Motivation and Workplace Performance: Research and Best Practices. )Washington DC: International Society for Performance Improvement.
4. Clark, R. E. (2001). 从媒体中学习:观点、分析与证据(Learning from Media: Arguments, Analysis and Evidence.) Greenwich, Conn: Information Age Publishers. ISBN 1-930608-77-2
5. Clark, R. E. (1992) 有效培训设计的管理(Managing Effective Training Design, )Dublin, Ireland: ESB International.
6. Clark, R. E. (1991) 有效培训的设计(Designing Effective Training, )Los Angeles: ATI, Inc.
7. Clark, R. E. (1989) 远程学习技术的评价(Evaluating Distance Learning Technology. )Monograph. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Congress, Office of Technology Assessment.
8. Clark, R. E. (July, 1987) 大学教学的改进(Improving University Teaching. )Monograph published by Academic Staff Development Centre, Johannesburg: University of the Witwatersrand Press.
9. Clark, R. E. (1979) 儿童的电视机:ERIC的最佳情况 (Children's television: The best of ERIC.)Syracuse N.Y.: The ERIC Clearinghouse.
10.Clark, R. E. (1978) Tickton报告发布后的教学技术发展与影响(The growth and impact of instructional technology since the Tickton report.)Monograph published by the United States Office of Education, Commission on Instructional Technology.
11.Clark, R. E. (1978) 教育技术研究要求(Educational technology research requirements, )Monograph. Washington, D.C.: Division of Educational Technology, United States Office of Education.
12. Clark, R. E. (November, 1978) 看电视与学校表现的关系:NIE 的研究建议(The relationship between television viewing and school performance: Recommendations for an NIE research agenda. )Invited policy monograph published by the National Institute of Education (DHEW).
13. Clark, R. E. (June, 1978) 研究成人学习机会的方法(An approach to research on learning opportunities for adults.) Monograph published by The Lifelong Learning Project, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Education, (DHEW).
14. Clark, R. E. (September, 1978) 上学与利用闲暇时间看电视:研究计划(Schooling and leisure time uses of television: A proposed research agenda.) Monograph published by the National Institute of Education (In collaboration with Comstock, G., Dorr, A., Hornick, R., Levie, H., Medrick, E. and G. Salomon)
15.Clark, R. E. (September, 1975) 教学技术与中学后选择的媒体 (Instructional technology and media for post secondary alternatives, ) Sacramento, California: The Post-secondary Education Committee of the California State Assembly. (In collaboration with David Rubin).
16. Clark, R. E. (1975) 能力处理交互性的信息来源 (Sources of information about aptitude-treatment interactions.) Washington D.C.: Association for Educational Communications and Technology.
17. Clark, R. E. (1975) Technicas de Identificacio de Problemas, Bogota: Colombia, Fondo de Capacitacion Popular.
18. Clark, R. E. (1973) 计算机辅助教学的趋势(Recent trends in computer assisted instruction. )Syracuse, New York: ERIC Clearinghouse on Educational Media and Technology.-
- 标签:
- 知名学者
- 教育技术
- 学习元
- e.
- published
- 研究
- research
- 绩效
- 设计
- clark
- monograph
- r.
- 培训
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