• Web development: identifying end users

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    • Introduction

    WHEN IDENTIFYING A SITE AUDIENCE, web developers need to be careful not to generalize and lump all end users into a single category. Since most web sites have a variety of end users, it is important to identify different "types" of users for a particular site, and then design and build the site with these different users in mind. Developers must take into consideration what "types" of end users their web site will have by developing user profiles in their initial site planning and throughout development.
    User profiles are snapshots of the different types of users that might be visiting your web site. These profiles take into consideration a number of things, among them: basic demographics, computer skill level, as well as goals and expectations for visiting the site.

    • Developing User Profiles

    There are basically two categories of questions that must be asked when developing user profiles: demographics and characteristics (the user's needs, wants and motivations). Developing the demographics of the end users is twofold.(Sather et al 1997)

    Basic Internet demographics to identify.

    First, it is a good idea to understand the generic demographics of Internet users: What is the average Internet user's age, gender, native language, education, interests, computer savviness and so on? Once there is an understanding of the generic Internet demographics web developers must then turn to the audience they are targeting with the web site: who among the "average" Internet user will visit the site? What types of people will be interested in the site's products or services? If the web site's company already has consumer profiles done (usually part of their marketing plans) use them. They can only help.

    Questions to ask when identifying the characteristics of end users.

    It is also important to remember that more people than just those interested in the site's products or services will visit it. People interested in employment as well as the press might be visiting your site.

    Once web developers have a better understanding of the variety of end users that might visit the site, they can then turn to the characteristics of the users. This is when web developers must consider the motivations and the expectations of their end users: Why have they come to the site and through which means (What is the point of entry? Are they using home, work or school computers?), what information are they looking for and so on.

    • Creating User Profiles

    After these two categories of questions have been addressed, web developers can then begin to create profiles of their end users. One way of doing this is to develop a few different types or levels of end users - these can be based on the different characteristics and needs of the site's potential users.

    Once these different types of end users have been identified, web developers can then hypothesize visit scenarios (Powell 2001): for each type of end user, identify why that user would be using your site, how they would be using it, what goals they would have and what expectations they have of the site (performance and information).

    After these user profiles are created, web developers should incorporate them into the rest of the site's design and development stages. Developers should refer to their site's user profiles throughout development - until the website is launched. 

    • Author

    Stacy l. Montemayor

    • 标签:
    • development
    • identifying
    • types
    • characteristics
    • developers
    • profiles
    • developing
    • users.
    • users
    • site
    • web
    • end
    • internet
    • demographics
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