• Rich active learning environments

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    • Rich Environments for Active Learning

    REALs, or rich interactive learning environments, are based on constructivist ideas. Students in rich active learning environments continuously shape and reshape the knowledge they construct through their learning experiences. For example, if a child smells a rose, she learns that flowers smell good. But the same child may then smell a daisy and reshape her concept of flowers, because daisy's do not have much scent at all. REALS are implemented using: cooperative learning, generative learning, student centered learning, and problem based learning.

    • Cooperative Learning

    Cooperative learning assembles students working together in small groups to analyze, synthesize, collaborate, and agree on a solution to the issue they are resolving. Students work together to build and refine knowledge with thier peers. These workgroups develop self regulation through management, monitoring, and evaluation of the learning experience. They also focus on students learning together who accept responsibility for thier learning.

    • Generative Learning

    Generative learning is the type of learning where students become investigators and teachers become facilitators of knowledge.

    Generative activities are facilitated through workgroups where students play multiple roles and collectively problem solve by discussing thier insights and opinions to any given topic. Generative learning involves students in higher level thinking processes and helps learners to integrate new knowledge within the structure of old knowledge. Teachers may raise questions in which the students investigate and apply the knowledge they have aquired through the production of a tangible product.

    • Student Centered Learning

    Student centered learning environments focus on the development of critical thinking and life ling learning skills such as: questioning, metacognition, and reflection. 

    • Questioning- when students generate thier own questions to a particular topic they are using a higher level of active participationin the learning process. They are generating the direction of thier learning experience and this gives the learner more ownership of the learning which makes the learning more authentic and relavant to the learner.
    • Metacognition-this is the process where the student takes conscious control of the learning. The learner thinks about how he is thinking in a cognative sense. For example, the learner is using metacognition if he realizes that he is having more trouble learning how to complete a fraction problem than a multiplication problem.
    • Reflection-this is where the learner observes, interprets, and reflects upon his learning experience. This reflection would include the who, what, where and why of the learning experience. 
    • Problem Based Learning

    Problem based learning is the type of inquisitive and investigative educacation for which there is no clear answer or procedural rule. It is an enviornment where knowledge is constructed and not recieved. Problem based learning activates prior knowledge, transfers learning and integrates the new knowledge within the structure of the old knowledge. In addition, problem based learning involves students in real probles where they must analyze, synthesize, and hypothesize information to determine possible solutions to a situation, topic, or problem.

    These enviornments integrate active participation, transferance of learning, prior knowledge, and direct experience to the learning process.

    • Author

    Monica Schott ,Graduate Student ,San Diego State University

    • 标签:
    • problem
    • environments
    • rich
    • active
    • students
    • learning
    • knowledge
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