• I CARE instructional design system

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    • The ICARE System

    ICARE IS AN ACRONYM FOR Introduction, Connect, Apply, Reflect, and Extend. The ICARE framework is designed to facilitate developing effective online learning module.

    • Introduction

    There are two key elements in the introduction. The first element is context or how the present module fits in to the online course as a whole. The second element is objectives. Clearly stated objectives are a must for three reasons. First, to clarify learner expectations, second, to keep the module focused, and third, to reference later in evaluating student outcomes for the module.

    • Connect

    Connect means presenting new information. Putting a course online calls for a new way of considering the structure, look and feel, and content of class presentations. Here are four important ways to structure content. First is information chunking. Concepts should be broken down into small chunks. Our short-term memory can only hold about seven bits of information at any one time. By providing small chunks of information students have a better chance of retaining the material. 

    A messy pile of papers becomes chunked information on the computer monitor.

    Second, contextualize. This means making learning meaningful to students by relating course materials to real-world activities. 

    See how understanding context can make a difference.

    Third is prior knowledge. Consider what students may already know about the material and provide a way for knowledgeable students to quickly focus on new material. Finally, accomodate learners. Represent the material in several ways to enhance visualization and comprehension. This can be done by using illustrations, graphs, diagrams and visual analogies along with your text.

    • Apply

    Engage students in an active learning process with a real-world problem relevant to the academic needs of the course. This may be on on- or off-line activity. You may embed an interactive activity on the page itself or send learners off to another site for a relevant practice. For example, this searchable library includes annotated links to over 800 online learning activities categorized by audience, content area, and type: http://www.kn.pacbell.com/wired/bluewebn/.

    • Reflect

    Help students organize their thoughts about what they have just learned by providing an opportunity for them to discuss and expand on the information. This can be done in several ways. Discuss the information on a class listserve, or ask students to create a concept map, a visual representation of the relationship among concepts such as this one: 

    A concept map is a useful tool to help students expand on new information.

    • Extend

    First, provide enrichment activities for students who have mastered the content and remediation exercises for those who have not. Second, evaluate in two ways. First, based on your original objectives, what have your students learned? One way to evaulate this is by giving students an online test or quiz. Second, evaluate the module itself for design, navigation, and content. Can you make it better?

    • More Information

    See the CSU Faculty Development Institute on Tools, Templates, & Training: Using Online Technologies to Add Value to CSU Courses ("T3" for short) at http://EdWebiii.sdsu.edu/T3/index.html

    • Author

    Natalie Pastor ,Graduate Student ,SDSU Educational Technology

    • 标签:
    • system
    • design
    • module
    • instructional
    • students
    • online
    • course
    • information
    • learning
    • information.
    • content
    • care
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