Job Aid or Training?
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Job Aid or Training?
JOB AIDS ARE AN IMPORTANT TOOL in the Instructional Designer's toolbox. When a system or job can't be redesigned to eliminate a problem, the designer must choose some combination of training, or performance support. This web page is intended to remind designers what factors to consider when making these decisions, and to illustrate application of the factors in 3 case studies.
Decision Factors - Job Aids vs Training
The chart below was developed using the guidelines suggested by Gordon (1994) and Rossett and Gautier-Downes (1991).
Use job aids when: Use training when:
There is enough time to access the information. Time is critical.
Job requires access to large amounts of data. Person is expected to perform unaided.
Task is infrequently performed. Task must be learned as a prerequisite for higher level tasks.
There are multiple steps or attributes. Steps must be performed quickly or smoothly.
Safety is critical, no margin for error. Situations are novel or unpredicable.
Task is simple and job turnover is high. User lacks the reading, listening or visual skills to use a job aid.
Users are unavailable or lack time for training. Task is perceptual, unable to develop a useful job aid.
The three case studies below demonstrate application of these guidelines.-
Case Study #1 That's a Lotta Manure!
The Pennsylvania EPA wanted to provide assistance and encouragement to farmers to recycle the solid waste produced on their farms by farm animals.
Farmer Spreading Manure
Manure contains nutrients that crops need, but the farmer needs to know how much manure his spreader is applying, then make the necessary adjustments to apply at the proper rate. This can vary depending on the crop type, manure type, spreader type and time of year. Calibrating the spreader is a relatively easy procedure, but is done only a couple of times a year. What's the solution?-
Case Study #2 Hours of Boredom, Moments of Hell
Wickens ( 1992) describes the job of a nucler power plant control operator . The process and system is hugely complex, utilizing almost 3,000 controls. Most of the job consists of routine,
Nuclear Plant control room
minor adjustments punctuated by occasional malfunctions. When a malfunction occurs, the operator needs to rapidly analyze and diagnose the problem, gathering and data from the controls and displays to identify the source and nature of the problem. How can the power plant prepare the operators to interact with the system interface and deal with malfunctions? Go to solution-
Case Study #3 One New Thing
Directed Electronics Inc. (DEI), a manufacturer of car security systems, sells its products through a network of 5,000 authorized dealers/installers, who in turn are retail sellers of a wide array of
selling car security
home electronics. The dealers constantly struggle to find and train good installers and salespeople. DEI wants the dealers' salespeople to be knowledgeable about DEI products, and increase sales. The sales reps and techs visit each dealer regularly, providing impromptu training and support. Their rule of thumb is, " Teach 'em one new thing, and make sure they get it." The company provides product updates through a quarterly newsletter and maintains a web site for technical support. In spite of their efforts, DEI customer and installer support phone lines were receiving an unacceptably high number of calls. What's the solution?-
More Information
To look at the Pennsylvania EPA calibration video click here to go to their site. Viewing the video requires the Realplayer plug in.
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Contributed by Susan Wilson. Contact the author at sjkwilson@hotmail.com -
- 标签:
- study
- task
- manure
- solution
- spreader
- plant
- dealers
- training
- job
- type
- aid
- case
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