User-centered design for hypertext
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BEHIND ALL QUALITY HYPERMEDIA ENVIRONMENTS LIE FOUR COMMON FACTORS known as the "Four Issues of User-Centered Design"; The Users, The Tasks, The Information Space, and the Centrality of Context. These factors must be conceptualized to "improve our support of, or to enable, valid learning tasks" (McKnight, Dillion, and Richardson). All four factors interact with one another, each helping to define the other, creating an educational stimulating environment. To see how User-Centered Design Issues surround us everyday, click and follow "The Adventures of Designer Bob", fighter of Truth, Justice, and User-Centered Design.
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- 标签:
- user-centered
- centered
- introductionbehind
- issues
- factors
- everyday
- hypertext
- stimulating
- design
- user
- tasks
- design.
- environment.
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