• Flow: Optimal experience

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    • introduction

    MANY DIFFERENT CHALLENGES come across our paths during our complex lives. Csikszentmihalyi (1990) found that the way we interact with the challenges that we come in contact with will determine our happiness. He found that people often come in contact with three different challenge levels depending upon the skill level of the person. The following examples outline what happens to the individual during the three different challenge levels.

    • The relationship between challenge and skill

    Csikszentmihalyi (1990) found that the key to having an optimal experience is having the right challenge level matched with the correct skill level. However sometimes the challenge level may be too small or too large.The following three examples illustrate what can happen depending on the relationship between the skill level of the individual and the challenge that he or she may encounter.

    • A metaphor for challenge and skill

    In each example the individual's skill level will be represented by the glass and the challenge level will be represented by the rate of speed that the water enters the glass. See what happens when different challenge levels meet the same skill level.

    • Small Challenge or Large Skill

    If the skill level of the individual is much higher than the challenge at hand, then the individual may quickly become bored. For example, if you were an average sailor and you had to take a beginning sailing class you may find your mind wandering while the instructor goes over how to perform a simple turn.

    Too Little Challenge


    • Large Challenge or Small Skill

    If the challenge level is too high for the skill level of the individual then the interaction may cause a great deal of anxiety and result in frustration on the part of the individual. For example, if you are a beginning sailor and you enroll in an advanced sailing class you may be overhead and get quickly discouraged by the challenge level of the class. This may result in you giving up on the class and quitting sailing. 

    Too Much Challenge


    • Just Enough Challenge and Skill

    When the challenge and skill level of the individual are perfectly aligned then Flow can occur. For example, if you are an intermediate sailor and you enroll in an intermediate class then the opportunity for flow to occur is greatest. 

    Just Enough Challenge


    • What happens next?

    Once the challenge and skill level of the person and the situation are in the optimal conditions for flow to occur the individual may have an optimal expereince (Csikszentmihalyi, 1990).The key to the optimal experience is that it is "autotelic." This means that the activity is done because it is rewarding regardless of what the original goals are. The individual is doing the activity for the sake of the activity. Now that you know what conditions are required for the optimal experience to occur you can work on aligning your challenges and skill levels.

    • Author

    Dylan Lewis, M.S

    • 标签:
    • optimal
    • individual
    • level
    • skill
    • challenge
    • experience
    • class
    • flow
    • example
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