• Text contrast

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    • Introduction

    CONTRAST PROVIDES INTEREST within a piece and helps keep the user motivated. Effective layouts provide contrast in several ways.

    • Size

    In contrasting two typographic elements through the size, make it obvious. The rule is simple: big type versus little type.

    Don't use all caps to make the type larger. If you make the text lowercase, you can actually set it in a much larger point size, and it's more readable as well.

    The title is 20-point type with all caps..

    The title is 24-point type in lowercase.


    • Weight

    When contrasting weights, use the same rule: use weights that are distinctly different. Don't contrast the regular weight with a semi-bold, -- go for the stronger bold.

    A good contrast in type weight also helps organize the information. Use it to show the hierarchy in the information so that it's easy to find things.

    The chapter headings are plain,

    and there is no space

    between each heading.

    The chapter headings are bolder,

    and there is more space

    between each heading.


    Here are two suggestions to design typefaces for a contrast of weight.

                  1. If you're using body copy in a regular typeface, set the headline in bold or extra bold. 

                  2. If you have a page without much contrast and no room to add graphics or to pull out quotes and set them apart, try setting key phrases in a bold face.


    • Structure

    The structure of a typeface refers to the lines that make up the letters. Some typefaces have consistent line weight throughout such as many sans serif fonts, while others place more emphasis on alternating thick and thin strokes, like many serif fonts.

    For contrast, combine type families with different structures. The rule is to avoid putting two typefaces with similar structures on the same page.

    • Color

    Good color contrast doesn’t have to be the combination of strongly contrasting colors (black against white, red against blue, etc.). It can be done by using a same color, dark shade against bright shade.

    Color can help provide type contrast by using hue, saturation, and value. Here are some rules of thumb for using color with body type:

    1. Contrast highly saturated (deep, rich) type with low saturation (pastel) backgrounds.


    2. Use low value (dark) type against high value (light) backgrounds. 


    3. Be cautious about contrasting hues that are complementray (opposite one another on the color wheel), such as red and green - these may virate unpleasantly.

    • Author

    Mei-Yin Lin


    • 标签:
    • contrasting
    • typefaces
    • set
    • color
    • contrast
    • dark
    • weight
    • rule
    • serif
    • text
    • type
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