• Minimalism

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    • Introduction

    J.CARROLL FIRST INTRODUCED THE Minimalist Theory for the design of training materials. The theory proposes that instructional materials should not encourage passive learning such as reading or listening, but motivate learners to draw on their own experience as a foundation for learning new information. The theory gets its name from Carroll's claim that materials should "minimize" learner reliance on lengthy reading materials or instructor support. In addition, the materials should promote learner decision-making and accomplishment. 

    • The Main Tenets of Minimalism

    Carroll proposes five main tenets that an instructor should consider when designing materials and activities for their
    learners. Tasks should: 

                1. be self-contained
                2. be realistic
                3. provide error recognition activities
                4. encourage self-directed reasoning
                5. build upon prior learner experience


    • The Minimalist Theory Put to Use

    The Minimalist Theory can easily be applied when designing instruction in a wide range of disciplines and content areas. One of Carroll's material design suggestions is to create task-based study cards. The cards replace lengthy books or manuals and allow the learner to proceed at their own pace.

    To demonstrate, cards can be used to teach a process like writing an autobiographical essay. This article provides two examples to show that the cards encourage learners to focus on one meaningful writing task at a time.

    In prep card #1, the learner draws on their own ability to generate writing topics rather than following a prescribed model. In addition, the learner is encouraged to recognize errors in their own thinking at the beginning stages of writing.

    In prep card #2, the learner is given an example outline to follow in organizing their information before the actual writing step. Importantly, the cards provide only key information and support individual learner ideas. While the cards do give step by step guidance, they also maintain flexibility so the learner can transition from one step to the next on their own.

    Individually, the cards fulfill the Minimalist theory framework in that they are self-contained, meaningful, and self-directed. Ultimately, a set of preparation cards can be used to teach an overall process. Together, the cards facilitate the learner's reliance upon him or herself.

    • More Information

    For more information on Minimalism and ways to implement Minimalist design principles into instructional design, consult Minimalism in the TIP database of instructional theories.

    • Author

    Mary Richardson
    SDSU Department of Linguistics

    • 标签:
    • minimalism
    • cards
    • encourage
    • materials
    • learner
    • writing
    • design
    • minimalist
    • information
    • step
    • theory
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