• Levels of feedback

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    • Introduction

    FEEDBACK IN COMPUTER-BASED INSTRUCTION is defined as any message which is presented to a learner after a response to a practice exercise. As such, it fits into Gagne's events of instruction as well as Merrill's component display theory (CDT). This article focuses on feedback strategies, examples and suggestions for use. The following five levels of feedback will be discussed: confirmation, correction, explanation, diagnosis and elaboration.

    • Confirmation

    Confirmation feedback simply informs the learner the accuracy of a response. Also known as knowledge of results (KR), this type of feedback does not provide any input on what the correct answer is, or why a response might be wrong. It is used to reinforce correct answers. Confirmation feedback is often used when automaticity is the learning goal or in the later stages of competency, after the initial acquisition of knowledge.

    • Correction

    Corrective feedback informs the learner that their response was incorrect with the knowledge of the correct or desired response (KCR). The advantage of showing the learner the correct answer has been verified in some experiments with lower-ability students (Mory, 1996).

    • Explanation

    Feedback that is corrective and includes relevant information about the context of the correct response is labeled explanatory. The rationale for this type of feedback is that many responses are based upon flawed beliefs, and these misconceptions require explanation. This type of feedback is most effective during the initial acquisition of knowledge.

    • Diagnosis

    Diagnostic feedback attempts to explain the source of the incorrect response by comparison with common mistakes. In computer-based instruction, this necessitates a knowledge of common errors in reasoning for a particular problem so that a matching function can take place. Another technique is to have the learners compare responses to prototype answers.

    • Elaboration

    At an additional level, elaboratory feedback provides related information designed to enhance and extend the learner's knowledge acquisition. It is based upon the elaboration learning theory that promotes understanding by establishing connections between new content and prior knowledge. Elaboration is given with both correct and incorrect responses.

    • Author

    Author: Sue Crane

    Graduate Student, Department of Educational Technology

    • 标签:
    • feedback
    • correct
    • incorrect
    • response
    • learner
    • knowledge.
    • type
    • levels
    • knowledge
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