• Audio presentations

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    This page briefly describes how to use audio as the primary mode of instruction (as opposed to multimedia in which audio is a component). In particular this page will focus how and when to use Recorded Lectures, Audio Tutorials, Radio and/or Language Laboratories.



    General Audio Tips

    • Don’t use audio presentations in place of print materials
    • Avoid long presentations because of attentional fatigue
    • When using recordings, don’t repeat since students can rewind as necessary

    Audio Presentation Overview

    Use the chart to select a type of audio presentation and then click on the name to find out how to implement it.


    Recorded Lectures

    Audio Tutorials


    Language Laboratories

    When to use

    Students in the lower quartile

    Students at-risk of dropping out

    Information that will need to be recalled

    Students are able to work indepen-dently

    Well-trained instructors not available

    Critical thinking is part of the learning objectives

    Lower achieving students

    Other media is too expensive

    Classroom instruction may be inadequate

    Foreign languages

    Access to computers set up in study carrels



    Design Strategies


    Recorded Lectures
    • Provide printed notes to go with the recorded lectures
    • Use compressed speech (word rate faster than normal conversation). People can understand faster than normal conversation (150-250 words per minute). Faster speech can indicate expertise and thus inspire confidence. Compress speech by either speaking more rapidly or by using sound editing software (eg. Macromedia’s SoundEdit 16)
    Compressed Speech Examples

    Click on Audio Bob to hear examples
    Audio Tutorials
    • Design it as a programmed guide to direct students’ attention to materials
    • Use informal, conversational speech
    • Have the students stop the tape periodically. Use an sound effect as a signal.
    • Use a well structured sequence of learning events
    • List activities (hard copy)
    • Assign activities to different kinds of sessions
    • Keep it simple


    • Use as a supplement to text
    • Use compressed speech (see Recorded Lectures)


    Language Laboratories
    • Acquire a language software package that allows students to record themselves using instant playback (student response is repeated within .5 sec) for translation
    • Have students practice as often as possible (daily)
    • Use with formal ear-training when teaching a language so students can self-correct
    Instant Playback Example



    • Author

    Created by Ken Marushige

    • 标签:
    • faster
    • speech
    • tutorials
    • lectures
    • students
    • language
    • audio
    • compressed
    • recorded
    • radio
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