• Piaget's developmental stages

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    • Introduction

    JEAN PIAGET IS A SWISS PSYCHOLOGIST who began to study intellectual development (Dembo, 1994). His Cognitive Theory is influential in both education and psychology fields. He proposed that the thinking process will develop through each of the stages until a child can think logically. Understanding cognitive development helps us arrange appropriate lessons and learning environments. An instructor should assess a child’s current level of maturity before beginning the instructional design process. The following are four of Piaget's developmental stages:

    皮亚杰是一位瑞士心理学家,他开始研究智力发展(Dembo,1994) 。他的认知理论既在教育领域又在心理学理论有影响。他提出思维过程是通过不同阶段来发展的,直到儿童能够进行逻辑思考。理解认知发展帮助我们适当地安排课程和学习环境。一位教育者在开始教学设计过程前应该评估儿童当前成熟的水平。下面是皮亚杰思维发展的四个阶段。

    • Sensorimotor Stage (Birth-2 Years)

    Even though Piaget was opposed to applying age norms to the stages, most researchers consider approximately the first two years of life to be the Sensorimotor Stage (McCormick, 1997). Infants mainly make use of senses and motor capabilities to experience the environment. For instance, if infants cannot see or touch an object, they stop trying to find it. Once infants develop the capability to recognize that a hidden object still continues to exist, they start searching for it.
    The characteristic limitation of this stage is ‘thinking only by doing’. The Sensorimotor infant gains physical knowledge.





    • Preoperational Stage (2-7 Years)

    The second stage in Piaget’s theory of development coincides the preschool years. Children start to use symbols such as language to represent objects. For instance, the child understands the word “apple” although a real apple is not seen. However, the Preoperational child still learns from concrete evidence while adults can learn in abstract way. The Preoperational child is also unaware of another person’s perspective. They exhibit egocentric thought and language.

    Here are some limitations of Preoperational thought. To begin with, the Preoperational child lacks the concept of conservation. As shown in Image 1, a child is presented with two rows of apples that contain the same number of apples. While one row is lengthened without any change in the number of apples, the Preoperational child states that the rows are not equivalent. The appearance of the objects gives the wrong impression about them. Children’s decisions are dominated by their perceptions.

    Image 1: The Preoperational child lacks the concept of number conservation.

    Conservation does not happen simultaneously in all subject areas. Children can understand conservation of numbers around age 5-6, and understand conservation of substance, or mass around age 7-8.
    Additionally, the Preoperational child is likely to center on only one dimension of an event and ignore other important details. Also, children concentrate more on the static features of an event than on the transformations from one state to another.
    Last, children in the Preoperational period at times will see some relationships between particular cases while in actuality there is none. For instance, a child might say, “If an apple is red, then a green fruit is not an apple.”


        皮亚杰认知发展的第二阶段与学龄前一致。儿童开始使用符号如语言来表示物体。例如,尽管在看不到真实的苹果,儿童也能理解苹果这个单词 。可是,前运算的儿童仍需要依靠具体事物来学习,而成人能够用抽象的方式来学习。处在前运算阶段的儿童还不能意识或察觉到别人的观点,他们展示的是以自我为中心的思维和语言。








    • Concrete Operational Stages (7-11 Years)

    The next stage generally represents the elementary grade years. The concrete operational child begins to think logically. Operations are associated with personal experience. Operations are in concrete situation, but not in abstract manipulation.

    Image 2: The concrete operational is capable of reversible thought only if they operate physical objects.

    Concrete operations allow children to classify several classes into a bigger group or to combine a number of classes in any order. Although objects are moved or reordered, no change takes place.






    • Formal Operational Stage (11 Years and Beyond)

    After roughly 11 years old, students have the ability to consider many possibilities for a given condition. They are able to deal with propositions that explain concrete facts. They have the ability to use planning to think ahead.
    Most importantly, students at Piaget’s final stage of cognitive development increase their ability to think abstractly. They can solve complex and hypothetical problems involving abstract operations.
    Formal operational thinkers can recognize and identify a problem. They can state several alternative hypotheses, execute procedures to collect information about the problems to be studied, and test the hypotheses.





    • Relation

    Shu-wan Lin

    • 标签:
    • concrete
    • developmental
    • 儿童
    • 阶段
    • years
    • 苹果
    • stage
    • 运算
    • 具体
    • stages
    • piaget
    • preoperational
    • child
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