• Transfer of learning

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    • Transfer of Learning

    IN OUR EVERYDAY LIVES, prior learning is being transferred continuously to the development of new skills and knowledge. This article explains what transfer of learning is and why it is important to take it into consideration when designing instruction. The article also distinguishes near transfer from far transfer and explains their respective advantages and disadvantages.

    • What is Transfer of Learning?

    Transfer of learning is the application of skills and knowledge learned in one context being applied in another context(Cormier & Hagman, 1987) . An example would be the knowledge and skills learned in sales training being applied on the job with a customer. Because the learning context is often different from the context of application, the goal of training is not accomplished unless transfer occurs. Successful transfer of learning requires that training content be relevant to the task, that the learner must learn the training content, and that the learner must be motivated. Instructional designers need to determine whether the skills being taught require near transfer or far transfer so that they can design instruction accordingly.

    • Near Transfer

    Near transfer of skills and knowledge are applied the same way every time the skills and knowledge are used. Near transfer training usually involves tasks that are procedural. Instructional designers need to design instruction that teaches the steps of a task which are always applied in the same order. The advantages of this type of training are that the skills and knowledge are easier to train and transfer of learning is usually a success. The disadvantage is that if the circumstances change, the learner is unlikely to be able to adapt their skills and knowledge to that change(Clark, 1999) 

    • Far Transfer

    Far transfer tasks involve skills and knowledge being applied in situations that change. With far transfer tasks, instructional designers need to design instruction where learners are trained to adapt guidelines to changing situations or environments. One of the benefits of far transfer is that once the skills and knowledge are acquired, the learner is able to make judgements and adapt to different situations.The disadvantage of far transfer is that far transfer skills and knowledge are more difficult to instruct and transfer of learning is therefore less likely (Clark, 1999) . 

    • Author

    Simine Dadgar, Educational Technology Graduate Student.

    • 标签:
    • skills
    • transfer
    • applied
    • learner
    • learning
    • training
    • knowledge
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