• Audio: Does it help?

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    • introduction

    INTEGRATING AUDIO ELEMENTS IN MULTI-media Web based and computer based training products has direct implications to various components of the cognitive load theory. According to Sweller, 1999 cognitive load is the amount of mental energy required to process a given amount of information. He states that the the overall goal of cognitive load is to improve the quality of instructional design by considering the role and limitations of the working memory.

    • History

    As training is developed, information falls into two cognitive load categories, intrinsic and extraneous. Intrinsic cognitive load is caused by the difficulty level of the content. It can not be modified by variations in instructional design. It may be helpful to think of this as the ‘bare minimum’. Extraneous cognitive load is a collection of the non-essential elements added to enhance the content, and can be modified by varying the instructional design. 

    Point to the image to toggle between intrinsic and extraneous examples.

    • Maximizing Learning Potential

    Learning is facilitated by optimizing, which often times reduces the extraneous cognitive load (Cooper 1998). If the combined intrinsic and extraneous cognitive load exceeds the learner’s mental resources, learning will be decreased.
    Two key design elements can be implemented to enhance learning
    1) Decrease extraneous cognitive load
    2) Increasing working memory capacity

    • Decreasing Extraneous Cognitive Load

    Split attention effect is caused when the learner focuses on multiple media elements. In this situation, no single element provides enough information in a stand-alone environment. The learner must mentally integrate the information from all sources to fully understand the meaning. 

    The redundancy effect is a result of integrated information being repeating through multiple media elements. In this situation, any single element provides enough information in a stand alone environment to convey the full meaning. Peter Doolittle (2001) states that multimedia presentations involving both words and pictures should preset text in written form, or in audio, but not both.

    • Increasing Working Memory Capacity

    Effectively including multiple modalities can increase learning. In this situation, multiple media elements are utilizing without repeating necessary information. 

    • Author

    Dana Joy
    Graduate Student
    SDSU Educational Technology

    • 标签:
    • extraneous
    • multiple
    • media
    • intrinsic
    • help
    • cognitive
    • load
    • does
    • elements
    • working
    • information
    • audio
    • situation
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