• Post television viewing behavior

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    • Introduction

    In general, findings are not conclusive, but support a weak positive correlation between depicted behaviors and post-viewing behaviors. The effects on long-term post-viewing behavior have not been thoroughly studied, but are thought to be temporary, expiring after 3-4 years.

    The message designer should consider the incidental effects as well as the intentional effects. 

    • Social Learning Theory.

    Bandura's, et al., "Bobo the doll" studies in the 1960s provided evidence that modeled behavior (aggression) is spontaneously imitated by children and adolescents. According to Bandura, "the best and most effective way to teach children novel ways of acting is to show them the behavior you want them to display."

    • Catharsis Theory.

    This theory suggests that viewing televised violence provides a vicarious outlet for pent-up or frustrated aggression. This theory has not been supported in subsequent studies.

    • Arousal Theory

    This theory suggests that depicted behaviors will arouse post viewing behaviors to increased intensities. Behavior subsequent to sporting events is commonly cited.

    A significant finding is that arousal causes an increase in intensity, no matter what kind of behavior is being manifested by the viewer.

    • Cultivation Hypothesis.

    Commonly termed the "Drip vs Drench Model", this hypothesis predicts that viewers are influenced by the accretion of images and beliefs.

    This model presupposes heavy viewing, and suggests television can influence a viewer's world view to reflect the beliefs that are modeled.

    • Three kinds of post-viewing behavior can be provoked by television:

    •Prosocial Behaviors of "generosity, helping, cooperation, nurturing, sympathy, resisting temptation (to cheat, lie, or steal), verbalizing feelings, and delaying gratification" have been instilled by such programs as Mister Rogers' Neighborhood and Sesame Street.. 

    •Antisocial Behaviors. The National Institue of Mental Health (NIMH, 1972 and 1982) studies concluded "that there was a causal relationship between viewing televised violence and later aggressive behavior." 

    •Other outcomes the message designer should consider: 


    While these issues are covert and therefore difficult to assess, they may be nonetheless significant to the viewer.

    • Author

    Lorenzo R. Selby
    Educational Technology Graduate Student
    San Diego State University

    • 标签:
    • suggests
    • post
    • television
    • behaviors
    • televised
    • post-viewing
    • studies
    • model
    • behavior
    • viewing
    • theory
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