• Motivating Your Learner

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    • Introduction

    "ONLY THAT DAY DAWNS TO WHICH WE ARE AWAKE" (Henry David Thoreau, philosopher). As they say about first impressions, what you say and do in the first five minutes of any training can have a lasting impact. It is important to get your learners energized and motivated from the start of the lesson. 

    • Why Motivational Activities are Important

    A well-planned training effort should give full attention to opening activities (Eitington, 1996). Icebreakers benefit the trainer by reducing his/her anxiety; warming up and energizing the participants; and setting a participative tone for the program. Motivational activities also help by:

                                     Relaxing the group and making people more spontaneous;
                                     Building momentum for the next phase of the program;
                                     Achieving constant involvement;
                                     Building group identity and cohesiveness;
                                     Developing trust with the trainer and amongst participants.

    Opening strategies have practical value as well. In addition to getting your learners' attention, these activities can be used to construct a bridge between prior learning and what will be taught in the current session.

    • Sample Activities

    There are thousands of activities to choose from. To see a sample icebreaker activity, click on an image below. 


    • How to Choose an Appropriate Activity

    In order to be effective, icebreakers must be planned properly. The activity chosen should be selected based on the composition of the group, the nature and length of the program, the culture of the sponsoring organization and the personality and style of the trainer.

    The group expectations of what their role should be in the learning process will also influence how involving your activities should be. Before you try out a new activity, ask yourself if the icebreaker could possibly cause anyone embarrassment or be perceived as threatening. Consider trying the icebreaker out on a more conservative coworker or friend to check his/her reaction. 

    • More Information

    Additional sample activities can be found in many teachers' guides and on-line at educational and professional websites.

    • Summary

    Training can typically benefit from some kind of warm-up activity if the ice-breaker is chosen wisely. These motivational tools help to establish an optimal learning environment and get your learners off to a powerful start. 

    • Author

    Kristy Cabral, Masters Student in Educational Technology, SDSU
    © 2001

    • 标签:
    • motivating
    • activity
    • learning
    • your
    • program
    • sample
    • help
    • icebreaker
    • activities
    • learners
    • learner
    • motivational
    • group
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