• Choosing a color palette

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    • Introduction

    COLOR IS AN ELEMENT OF DESIGN that is used to create ideas, convey messages, evoke feelings, and accentuate areas of interest. Knowledge of the use of complementary colors and triads, and of avoiding color clash can help to choose colors that are appropriate for a particular design(Groff, 1990).

    Choosing appropriate colors is important because colors are affected by light, the setting they occur in, the viewers vision, and by other colors placed next to, or around them.

    A color wheel is a band of colors in the visible spectrum arranged in the shape of a wheel. The colors progress gradually, like the colors of the rainbow, in a regular pattern.


    Color Wheel

    • Using complementary colors

    Colors that are opposite each other on the color wheel are called complementary colors. These colors contrast the most and create excitement when placed side by side. They are also called complementary harmonies and are visually appealing. 


    Red and Green

    • What are triads?

    Colors that form a triangle on the color wheel are called triads. Triadic or balanced harmonies are three colors that have three (equal) spaces between them on the color wheel. Triads can be used to attract attention.

    A. Primary Triads consist of red, yellow, and blue.

    B. Secondary Triads are orange, purple, and green. They are located in between the primary triads. 


    C. Intermediate triads are combinations of the other colors. 

    Examples are;

    Red-orange, yellow-green, & blue-violet. 


    • Analogous colors

    Analogous harmonies are groups of colors that are next to each other. These are closely related colors that are visually pleasing and help to give the appearance of a relationship. Blue, blue-violet, and violet are analogous harmonies.

    Example: Blue, blue-violet, and violet


    Example: Blue-violet, violet, and red-violet 

    • How to avoid color clash


    Colors vibrate against each other, fighting for attention and causing fatigue to the viewer.


    Do you have two highly saturated colors next to each other?


    Reduce saturation in one or both of the colors.

    Example: Change red & green to pink & green;

    Or add a black line between the colors; 


    • More information

    For more information on colors, see Color and Contrast, Color and Mood, and Psychology of Color.

    • Author

    Beverly Vader, Graduate Student,
    Dept. of Educational Technology, San Diego State University

    • 标签:
    • color
    • palette
    • choosing
    • triads
    • colors
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