Unit 5 Dinner‘s ready 1课时
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Unit 5 Dinner’s ready Unit 5 Dinner’s ready
福泉市第六小学 刘福新
本课是人教版小学英语四年级上册Unit 5 Dinner’s ready.本单元一共4课时,本课时第一课时,主要教授的教学内容,单词:dinner, vegetables, soup, ready.句子: What’s for dinner, What would you like for dinner?利用生活情境,结合学生已学知识,学习更多的食物名称和就餐用语,让学生在生活中学习和使用英语,从而使英语从课堂英语转变为生活英语,达到实现英语的交际作用。
能够听说、认读vegetables, soup, beef ,noodles会听说dinner 和ready
能听懂、会说What would you like for dinner? I'd like some..., please. What’s for dinner?
Dinner’s ready.
能运用句型What would you like for dinner? I'd like some...进行相互调查。
让学生感受到英语就在我们身边,能说英语,用英语表达自己的对食物的要求,表达出自己热爱生活的情感 ,充分让学生感觉到学英语有用,从而激发他们学习英语的热情。
What would you like for dinner? I'd like some…
What would you like for dinner? I'd like some…
教师制作的ppt 及课题组提供阅读材料
(一)、热身/复习(Warm-up/Revision) 7min’
Good morning, Today we’ll learn Unit 5 Dinner’s ready . First, we’ll do a guessing game. (板书标题) One , two ,three,…
1. A guessing game. 1min’
Eggs----- They are some things from hens. They are white or brown on the surface. ,but they are yellow inside. We can eat them in the morning or afternoon or evening. You like them , me too.
Coke---- It’s a kind of water. It’s black You can drink
2. A saying competition 2 min’’
语言支架: Good morning. I’d like some…
Good morning . I’d like some … …. and…
2. sing the song What would you like(一听 二释 三跟唱) (板书) 3min’
What would you like ? What would you like ?
I’d like some fish . I’d like some fish .
I’d like some beef. I ‘d like some beef.
Put it on my dish. Put it on my dish.
Please pass a fork . Please pass a fork.
Please pass a spoon . Please pass a spoon.
Please pass a knife. Please pass a knife.
Can we please eat soon ? Can we please eat soon?
3 Let’s chant 1min’
What would you like for dinner?
What would you like for dinner?
Bread , beef(牛肉) and soup(汤).
Bread , beef and soup.
What would you like for dinner?
What would you like for dinner?
Rice, fish and noodles(面条).
Rice, fish and noodles.
(二)、呈现新课 (Presentation)
1. 教师看一看手表说:Wow! It’s 6. It’s time for dinner. I’m hungry! I’d like some rice and vegetables. What would you like for dinner?
2.呈现熊大、熊二兄弟两的对话,学习beef, soup和noodles
(设计目的: 设置情景,在句子中学习新词)
3. 让其他学生像这样做连锁问答:What would you like? I’d like… 并呈现
A:What would you like for dinner?
B: I’d like some …. and…….
4继续呈现图片 学习Dinner’s ready句子
5. 教师通过图片导入课文:Look at these pictures. Who are in this pictures? What do they say?
6. Ask two questions:
What would Mike like ?
What would Mike’s dad like ?
Listen to mp3 and answer.
7. Read and fill in the blanks.
A: Mum, I’m hungry. What’s for dinner?
B: What would you like ?
A: I’d like some soup and bread, please.
B: What would you like for dinner?
C: Some fish and vegetables, please.
B: Dinner’ ready!
A /C: Thanks.
1.Mike would like _____ ______ and _____.
2.Mike ‘s dad would like _____ _____ and ___________.
拓展 1 Read the story (拓展词:mutton , breakfast, lunch, chips/hamburgers/ hot dogs )
A: Mum, what’s for dinner?
B: Mutton.
A: No, they are my friends.
B: What would you like for dinner?
A: I’d like some….(chips/hamburgers/ hot dogs)
拓展 2 Dinner’s ready dialogue 5 (拓展词:breakfast, supper dumplings)
Ask questions and find the answers
At breakfast(早餐) , Miss Li would like _____ and _____.
2. At lunch(午餐), she would like ___________ , _____ and _______.
At supper(晚餐),she would like ————— and ————.
连词成句操练 (总结重要句型)
A: Mum, I’m hungry. What’s for dinner?
B: Mutton.
A:No, they are my friends.
B:…What would you like ?
A: I’d like some cakes.
B: Dinner’s ready !
A: Thanks.
(五)Homework (作业布置)
1.Finish page 1 in the exercise book.
2. Copy all the black word in the word list.
3. Make a survey (ask your friends or family what would like)
- 标签:
- unit
- ready
- 课时
- doc
- dinner
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