• Where did you go

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    倪青 焦婆学校 13721092698 niqing321@163.com


    工作单位 :董岗中心校


    PEP6Unit3 Where did you go?

    A Let’s learn Listen,answer and write

    Teaching aims:

    1. Knowledge aims:

    To listenspeakread and write the key phrases:rode a horse,rode a bike,went camping,went fishing,hurt my foot.

    To understand and read the key sentencces:Where did you go? What did you do?

    1. Ability aims:

    To ask and answer the questions about what someone did in the past time.

    To talk and describe what the people did in the past time.

    3.Emotion aims:

    To understand local conditions and customs of Turpan.

    Teaching focus:

    Teaching importance:

    To know and grasp the key phrases and the sentences.

    Teaching difficulte point:

    To work in pairs to ask and answer the questions about what they did in the past time.

    Teaching aids:

    word cards




    Teaching period:

    40 minutes

    Teaching activities:

    Stage 1: Warm up


    T:I had a great time last weekend.How was your weekend?

    S1:It was good.

    T:What did you do?

    S1:I ....

    S2:I ....

    S3:I ....

    2.Warm up

    Show my photo to the Ss,and let them guess what I did last Labour Day.

    T:What did I do?

    Ss:You ....

    T:Yes,I stayed at home and read a book.

    Stage 2: Presentation

    1.Let’s learn

    Tell the Ss a story about John.Show them some pictures and ask what John and his family did.After the story,there are some levels for them.They need to make a breakthrough(闯关),they can get a gift if they win.

    Show a picture and say:“John likes horses very much.He rode a horse with his father on May 1st.”Then teach the phrase rode a horse.

    Give the Ss another picture and say:“On May 2nd,John went fishing with his father and brother by a river.”Then teach the phrase went fishing.

    Look at the third picture:“Then,they went camping in the forest park.”Teach the phrase went camping.

    On May 3rd,John rode a bike with his brother happily in the park, but he didn't see the big stone.John fell off his bike and hurt his foot.”According to the last part of the story,teach the last two phrases hurt my foot and rode a bike.”

    (Tell the Ss a story to grasp the Ss’s attention,they can learn the new knowledge easily.)

    Stage 3: Practise

    1.I can match

    Look at the pictures and the phrases,read the phrases and then match them togehter.

    2.I can read

    It’s a game.The words and the phrases arise quickly,the Ss should read them fastly and corretly.

    3.I can answer

    Give the Ss some questions of the story,then have some Ss to answer.Check the answers together.

    Where did John go?

    What did he do?

    What happened to him?

    4.Pair work

    Read the example dialogue and look at the other pictures.Have the Ss to work in pairs to ask and answer the questions about someone did in the past time.

    A:Where did you go?
    B:I went to a park.
    A:What did you do there?
    B:I rode a bike there.

    Stage 4: Consolidation

    1.Look,listen and write

    Look at the picture,listen to the tape and write down what they did in your book.Then listen again and ask someone to answer.Check at last.

    Stage 5: Homework

    1.Read and copy the key phrases.

    2.Tell about your holiday to your friends.

    Now let’s clearing your score.

    (After clearing,show the Ss the gift while sing a song together.)

    Bb design:

    Unit3 Where did you go?

    John’s Labour Day

    直线 1直线 2直线 3

    W显示器 4显示器 5显示器 6here did he go? What did he do? What happened?

    箭头 8箭头 12显示器 13箭头 14

    A显示器 9显示器 10 park. He went fishing.... He fell off his ....


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