• 肥西铭传中心校-张静静-英语-unit4 My home Part B Let's learn

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    Unit 4 My home Part B Let’s learn 教学设计

    肥西铭传乡聚星小学 张静静


    • 一、教材版本:


    • 二、教学课题:

    Unit4 My home Part B Let’s Learn

    • 三、教学对象:


    • 四、学情分析:



    • 五、教材分析:

    本课的主要内容是围绕简单的描述家中陈设的名称、特征和询问猜测物品的位置并作出相应的回答而进行的教学,与自己的日常生活息息相关。在三年级下册学生接触过“询问某位在哪”这一话题,学生对Where is the…? It’s in/on/under…the…的句型熟悉。所以,在此基础上,本课重点要求学生学会用Where are the…? They’re in/on/under…the… 来询问或猜测家中物品的位置。


    • 六、教学目标


    1、能听说认读单词phone, table, bed, sofa, fridge。能用句型Where are the…? They’re…对物品进行提问和回答。

    2、能了解单词curtain, wardrobe, shelf等的含义。


    1、能在日常生活中熟练运用Where is the…?It’s… .Where are the… They’re…的询问与回答。




    • 七、教学重点:

    1、听、说、认读本课重点词汇,如phone, sofa等


    • 八、教学难点:

    1、正确掌握单词fridge, phone的发音。

    2、正确运用Where are the…?对物品进行提问并作答。

    • 九、教学准备:教师用书、单词卡片、数字纸笔、PPT



    • 十、教学过程:
    • Step one: Warm-up

    1. Greeting

    2. Revision: Show a video and review the learnt words, study, bedroom, bathroom, living room, kitchen .

    (设计意图:通过视频来复习已学词汇study, bedroom, bathroom, living room, kitchen 。以旧带新引出新授内容,初步绘制概念图的雏形。)

    • Step two: Presentation & Practice
    1. Show some pictures of my rooms.

    T shows a picture of living room and teaches the new words, table, fridge, phone .

    Have students talk about food and drinks in the fridge by using these sentences, where is/are the…?It’s…/They’re…

    T shows a picture of bedroom and teaches the new word, bed.

     Have students talk about the toy rabbit and keys by using these sentences, where is/are the…? It’s…/They’re…

    1. Show some pictures of Chinese teacher’s home, teach the word, sofa.


    • Step three: Pair-work

    Show a picture of student’s room. Guide students how to talk about picture.

    A: Hello, … .            B: Hi, … .

    A: Where is the…?       B: It’s on/under/…the… .

    A: Where are the…?      B: They’re on/under/…the… .

    A:Thank you.            B:You’re welcome.

    Tell students : We should keep our rooms clean and tidy.


    • Step four: Reading
    1. Students listen to the dialogue.
    2. Students read it by yourselves,finish the task1.

    Show the new words.

    1. Read it again, finish the task2.



    • Step five: Design a mind map

    According to teacher’s mind map and design theirs. And then have students describe their room.


    • Step six: Homework
    1. Listen and read the key words after class.
    2. Design a mind map about other rooms.




    Unit4 My home

    Part B  Let’s learn



    • 标签:
    • 铭传
    • 静静
    • 肥西
    • 中心校
    • 英语
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