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    Hello, and welcome to the Teacher Tips weekly series. I'm Aaron Quigley, and I'm a STEM teacher in Baltimore City, a Teach for America alum, and an author here at Lynda.com. Throughout this series, we'll explore the latest innovations in educational technology, teaching best practices, and time-saving techniques, all with the goal of helping our students be successful in the classroom. We'll look at both free, and paid, online resources, we'll evaluate classroom management systems, and highlight new technology that's emerging in our field. Each chapter in this series will be free on Lynda.com during the week its released, and members will also have access to the entire series.

    So check back in each for our latest post, or follow me on Twitter @aaronquigley to keep up-to-date with the series. I look forward to keeping you updated on the latest educational trends,and I wish you the best of luck in your own classroom.

    This series is designed to give teachers and educators tips and instructions surrounding the latest education technologies. We will explore the best practices of using technology in the classroom, and discuss ways to increase student achievement by utilizing websites, software, and even physical technology. During this series, I will also tie the use of technology to the national educational standards including the common core and national science teachers association. The tips and tricks we will discuss are appropriate for educators from every content area and grade level. And if there's a specific grade level or content application, I will do my best to highlight those opportunities.

    I will also focus on using technology as an accommodation in modification for students. Please remember each video is available for free the week that it's released. And members will have ongoing access to the series. So, please gather your fellow teachers each week and join me in exploring new technologies for the classroom.


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