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    Grade 3 Unit 5 Do you like pears?

    Let’s learn.

    No. 13 Primary School 黄小超

    Teaching aims: To enrich the language input based on the theme. To introduce the target language in a more meaningful context. To develop the students’ reading and communicative skills.

    Learning outcome: The students will be able to understand the story and read out the story fluently. The students will be able to use the useful expressions (Do you like pears? Yes, I do./No, I don’t.) to communicate with others. Also, the students will be able to make fruit juice by considerate others’ taste and have healthy habits.

    Teaching procedures:

    Teaching Stages

    Teacher’s talk

    Students’ Activities

    Teaching purpose

    Stage 1.

    Lead in









    Stage 2.


    --Welcome to my English classroom.

    -- Chant with me. Apples

    --Talk about my favorite fruit.

    I like apples. It’s red and round. It’s sweet.

    What’s your favorite fruit? Do you like apples?


    Before reading

    Play a video.

    Background: Peppa likes apples, too. Today is Saturday. She is going to have a party with her friends on Sunday. She goes to buy some fruits with her family.

    Q: What fruit do they buy?








    --Listen and chant together.

    --Ss show the pictures of their favorite fruits and try to answer the questions.

    I like bananas.













    --Watch the video and answer the question.

    A:They buy some apples, bananas, pears, oranges and strawberries.


    -- Set up warm atmosphere.

    -- Cheer the children up.

    -- Brainstorm the fruits they have learned.




    --Introduce the background and predict the story.






    --To present key words and key structures.


































































    Stage 3.


    Q: Peppa likes apples. Do you like apples?

    A: Yes, I do/ No, I don’t.













    While reading

    Today is Sunday. Peppa and George are having a party with their friends Edward, Rebecca and Suzy.

    Q: 1.What are they doing?

    A .They are playing football.

    B. They are having a party.

    2.Are they happy?

    A. Yes, they are.

    B. No, they aren’t.





    Fill in the blank.

    E.g.Peppa likes _apples_.

    Rebecca Rabbit likes _______.

    Edward Elephant likes _______.

    Suzy Sheep likes ____.

    George likes ______.

    They likes ______ juice. It’s ________ .









    --Make juice

    I like apples. I like apple juice. It is yummy.

    Do you like apple juice?

    Let’s make apple juice!








    Pair work

    Ss show their pictures of fruits, ask and answer in pairs.

    A: Do you like …?

    B:Yes, I do/ No, I don’t.


    Group work

    Ss ask and answer in group and try to make a little survey about others’ taste.













    --1st reading: Listen and and answer the questions.


    --2nd reading: Listen and read, then fill in the blank.











    -- 3rd reading: listen and read together.


    --4th reading: read the story with teacher, then read in groups. At last role play.






    --According to the survey, Ss choose the fruits they like, draw the fruits and write down how they make juice. At last show their favorite juice.


    -- Create a meaningful situation to use the new language.




































    -- Create a meaningful situation to use the new language.

    Stage 4.


    -- Today, we read the story. We knew how to make juice.

    -- An apple a day keeps the doctor away.

    -- Read out the new words and target structures.



    -- Focus on the key words and useful expressions.


    -- Introduce a good eating habit.





    • The video and the song

    Peppa  buys some fruits with her family.


    Enjoy the song-I like apples.

    • Chant with me

    • 标签:
    • 自主
    • 老师
    • 教学设计
    • 备课
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