• 【自主备课】黎毅峰老师的教学设计

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    • Teaching Plan for Unit 5 Part A Let's learn

    佛山市禅城区南庄镇吉利小学  黎毅峰

    • Teachingcontent:

    Unit 5 Do you like pears? Part A Let’s learn.

    • Teachingaims:

    At the end of the lesson, I hope the students can do the following things:

    1. Understand the story (Do you like fruit?) and read out the story.

    2. Use the useful expressions (Do you like ...? Yes, I do. / No, I don’t. I like ...) to communicate with others.

    • Teachingkeypoints:

    1. Key words: fruit, apple, banana, pear, grapes.

    2. Key structures: Do you like ...? Yes, I do. / No, I don’t. I like ...

    • Teachingdifficultpoints:

    The plural forms of the fruit words used in the sentences.

    • Teachingaids:

    CAI, Fruit cards.

    • Teachingprocedures:

    Stage 1. Lead in

         1. Greeting.

         2. Listen and sing an English song - Apple tree.

         3. Free talk about fruit.

           T: Can you tell me some furit?

             What fruit do you like?

    Stage 2. Reading

         1. Before reading.

           Get to know the background of the story.

           T: Where does the story happen?

             Is it at the school or at the zoo?

             What can you see at the zoo?

            This is the zookeeper. He is Joe.

         2. 1st reading.

           Watch the video of the story and try to answer three questions.

           a. What animals can you see?

           b. Who likes fruit?

           c. Who don’t like fruit?

         3. 2nd reading.

           (1) Try to tell the story together with the teacher.

           (2) Try to answer some questions:

           a. What fruit can you see?

           b. Who likes pears/ bananas/ ...?

           (3) Try to retell the story with the scaffoldings: I’m a ... I like ...

         4. 3rd reading.

           (1) Try to read the story in groups of six.

           (2) Each group reads on picture.

    Stage 3. Communication

         1. Answer the teacher.

           T: From the story, we know that some animals like fruit. And some don’t like fruit. What about you? Do you like fruit?

         2. Use the fruit cards and ask your group mates: Do you like ...?

    Stage 4. Extension.

           Watch another story (Greedy monkey) and try to answer the question.

           What fruit does the monkey like?

    Stage 5. Summary.

         1. Read out the new words.

         2. Read the new patterns.

         3. Read the saying: An apple a day keeps the doctor away.

    • 绘本资源
    • 标签:
    • 自主
    • 老师
    • 教学设计
    • 备课
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