• 文昌小学英语第8册跨越式教学设计(陆绮媚)

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    Unit 11 Work with Language

    广州市荔湾区文昌小学 陆绮媚

    • Analysis of the teaching contents教学重难点:

    This is the last period of Unit 11. The pupils have learned some occupations vocabularies and the sentence pattern” What do you want to be when you grow up? “In this class, the important points are learning more of the occupations of Unit 11. Hopefully the children are interested to learn and can understand and acquire the new phrases and more jobs behavior...

    • Analysis of the students学习者特征分析:

    It’s difficult for the children of Grade 4 who just began to learn English from last term to concentrate them on practicing the oral language for such a certain long time. The teacher had better use TPR method and let the children play different games in order to encourage them to learn with fun.

    • Objectives教学策略:

    语言技能:Be able to use the sentence patterns:

    语言知识:Be able to say the new words of the different jobs.

    情感态度:Be able to understand the phrases and responds.

    学习策略:Enjoy playing different games and join the different competition.

    文化意识:Love and respect the different jobs.

    • Teaching aids教学资料:

      1. Teaching software.

      2. Pictures of some jobs.

      3. Some pictures for the games.


    Teacher’s activities

    Pupil’s activities


    Leading in


    2.Introduce the aims and tasks.


    4.review the jobs

    5.Game: Guess” What does he/she do?”



    review the jobs


    Guess and answer.

    To create the happy learning atmosphere


    1. Present the passage.

    2. Teach the new words.

    3. Sum up.

    4. Let the pupils repeat and practice in teams.

    1. Answer the questions and understand the passage.


    1. When playing the game, the pupils will learn the new words of the jobs.

    2. Join the games and memorize the passage

    3. Work in teams and find out what they have learned.


    To arouse the pupils’ interests and help them remember some names of the jobs and the aims will come out from the game.


        1. Chant.

        2. Introduction of the jobs .


    Drawing & guessing.

    Try to say out.

    What can they do?”


    To help them learn the new points through the activities and keep their interests in English learning.

    Post-task & check


    final assessment


    1. Communicate with other people.

    2. Final assessment


    To offer more chances for the pupils to speak by getting involved in investigation.


    1. Read and memorize the dialogue.

    2. Copy the new words.

    3. Try to talk about some jobs.

    Memory Unit 11


    Module 4 Unit 11 Work with Language

    Name_______ class________

    A: What do you want to be when you grow up?

    B: __________________________________

    A: Why?

    B: Because ______ can_________________

    A: That’s a good job.

    B: What about you?

    A: I want to be a/an _________

    B: Good! What can they do?

    A: They can ___________________________

    B: That”s true.

    A: I think______________________________

    B: ___________________________________


    My future jobs

    I want to be a _________________ when I grow up.

    ________ can _____________________________.

    That’s a __________ job.

    They are kind________________________________.

    I like ________________.

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    • 标签:
    • pupils
    • jobs.
    • unit
    • grow
    • learn
    • jobs
    • able
    • understand
    • doc
    • 教学设计
    • 跨越式
    • thats
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