• 肥西铭传学区聚星小学-张静静-英语-unit4 where is my car?

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    Unit4 where is my car?第一课时

    肥西铭传学区聚星小学   张静静

    • 教学内容:PEP Book2 Unit4 PartA Let's learn&let's do


    • 教学目标:



    2、会跟着录音边说边做Let’s do中的各项指令。


    1、能够运用句型where is…?It’s in/on/under…询问并描述物品位置。




    • 教学重点:

    会听说、认读三个方位介词in,on,under和单词desk,chair.理解并运用句型where’s …? It’s in/on/under…

    • 教学难点:

    注意单词under的发音。能在真实的语境中熟练运用句型where’s …? It’s in/on/under…

    • 教学准备:


    • 教学过程:
    • Stepone:Warm-up

    a 、Greet the studends.

    b 、Let’s do.  (Clap your hands. Wave your arms. Stamp your foot.

    Put your hand on your head.


    • Step two: Presentation

    a、 Lead-in

     Enjoy the chant.



    b、 Ask and answer.

    T:Where is the duck/dog/bear?


    c、T;We can also say, It’s on the chair.

    Teach the words, “on”and“chair”.

    T:Where is your bag?


    T:It’s in the desk.

    Teach the words,“in”and“desk”.

    T:Where’s my English book? On the desk?In my bag?Oh,It’s under the desk.Teach the word, “under”.

    T:Where is the bird’s house? Guess!


    T:The father bird is on the top of the house. The mother bird is under the house. The baby bird is in the house.(Can you find out their right places)

    d、Read and spell .

    e、Use some signs to practice the words like this ,“in on under”.

    建议练习单词以分组pairwork ,groupwork的形式展开对话,增加生生之间的交际;

    f、Play a game: Find the differences.


    • Step three: Practice

    T:The birds have some tasks. They can’t do them by themselves. Let us help them,OK?

    Task1:Say it out.

    Let’s do.

    Task2:Pair work.

    A:I see a/an___.

    B: I can’t see a/an___. Where is the___?


    Task3:Read and write

    1、Teacher introduces the reading. Students read and answer.

    The orange pencil is ____________.

    The toy bear is ______________.

    The chair is ____________.

    The bread is _____________.

    2、Tell the difference between “desk and table”, “chair and bench” by pictures.

    3、The baby bird’s room is very untidy. Let us help him tidy his room with sentence: Put …

    4、Sum up: Put your school things in order. And we should learn to tidy up our room.    

    建议练习对话以分组pairwork ,groupwork的形式展开对话,增加生生之间的交际;

    • Step four: Extension

    1、Use mind map.


    2、Let’s enjoy a song.


    • Step five:Homework

    1、Listen to the tape and read new words loudly.

    2、  Make word cards and try to spell, read and write the words

    3、Learn to tidy up your room and express in English.

    Put the…in/on/under the…

    3、Make word cards and try to spell, read and write the words.


     Unit 4 Where is my car?

          Part A let’s learn & let’s do

           Where     is     the  …   ?

          It’s __on___the    _desk___.


                _under_ the  _chair__.


    • 标签:
    • 铭传
    • 教学
    • read
    • words
    • 运用
    • 肥西
    • 聚星
    • lets
    • 句型
    • wheres
    • desk
    • step
    • 小学
    • word
    • 学区
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