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    Module 5 Problems

    Unit 1 If she goes to a different school, I won’t see my best friend.

    By Chen qijun from No.6 Middle School of Foshan(佛山六中:陈绮珺)

    Class: Class4, Grade 8

    Type of the lesson(课型): Listening and speaking(听说课)

    Teaching approach(方法):

    Mulit-level teaching; Interactive and cooperative learning approach; (分层教学,小组合作教学)

    Teaching aims(目标):

    1.To learn and understand the conversation of solving problemsLevel A can learn and understand the dialogue by themselvesLevel B can use the main points to make sentencesLevel C can remember the main points.A层的同学要能自主地预习学习新课,并能在堂上独立或合作完成相关的学习任务;B层的同学能理解课文,并能利用堂上所学知识点灵活地造句;C层的同学能大致理解课文,学会并记住新的知识要点)

    2. To understand usage of adverbial clause of condition (2).(掌握带有if的条件状语从句的用法)

    3To let the students be good at exchanging opinions in groups and be interested in taking part in English activities.(通过小组的比赛提高学生的小组合作和竞争意识,提高英语学习的兴趣)

    Teaching aids: Multimedia, handouts

    Teaching Procedures:


    Teacher’s Activities(教师活动)

    Students’ Activities(学生活动)

    Step1 Warming-up and Lead in

    Ask some questions about problems, let Ss use if-clause to answer.

    Answer What you will do

    If you are ill,...

    If you are late for the class,...

    If you often eat unhealthy food,...

    If you get bad marks,...

    If your friend is angry with you,...


    Step 2 Listening

    Let the Ss listen to the dialogue(about Tony’s problem), and finish different tasks.

    All the Ss listen and fill in blanks (about Tony’s problem). And then Level A answer the question.


    Step 3 Learning


    Ask Ss to listen to the conversation and answer the question.

    Listen Level A close the booksthe others open the booksand answer

    Let Ss read the conversation loudly.

    Read together.


    Ask the Ss to discuss and learn in groups. Then let them finish the different tasks

    Discuss with the tasks. Level B,C Ss find out the if-clause in the dialogue. Level A Ss translate the sentences and the main points.


    Step 4 Practice


    Give some if-clause sentences to level B&C, let them complete the sentences with the correct form of the words. And at the same time, let level A Ss complete the table on P35, part4.then let them tell the feature of if-clause.

    complete the sentences with the correct form of the words.(level B&C)

    complete the table on P35, 4.( level A)

    At last, find out the feature of if-clause and tell主将从现”

    Let the Ss complete the “Retell” of the dialogue.

    Fill in the blanks and recite.(level A recite all the sentences, the others recite the sentences as many as they can)


    Step 5 Homework

    1 Recite the dialogue of unit 1 (A); Recite the main sentences of unit 1 (B);

    Recite the maine points of unit 1 (C)

    2 finish all the Ex. of unit. 1

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    • sentences
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    • step
    • recite
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