• 英语教学设计-十四中叶丽冰

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    Teaching Plan


    Teacher: Angelice Ye(佛山第十四中学叶丽冰)

    Class: Class 3, Grade 7

    Content: Module 4 Healthy food Unit 1 We’ve got lots of apples


    Teaching Objectives:

    1. Listening:

    1. To improve the ability of abstracting information from listening.

    2. To get students familiar with the new sentence pattern “ have got ” and “haven’t got”.

    2. Speaking:

    1. To apply the sentence pattern “I have got some …” “I haven’t got any …” “he has got some …” “he hasn’t got any ...”.

    2. To establish confidence in speaking English.

    3. To correct their pronunciation.

    3. Emotional Objective: To encourage the students to open their mouths in English and to encourage them to eat healthy food.


    Teaching Aids: multimedia & handouts

    Teaching Procedure:

    Step 1 Warming –up (vocabulary)

    1. Revision: Some pictures are shown to the students to revise the vocabulary about food and drink.

    2. Exercise: Ss are required to label the pictures with the new vocabulary.

    3. Game (group work): Ss are encouraged to rush to the blackboard and write down the words about food.

    4. Summary: the definition of countable noun and uncountable noun is introduced.

    Teaching purpose: To revise the new vocabulary and encourage every student to get involved in the English class. And it also helps to go smoothly into the unit topic “we’ve got some (apples)”.


    Step 2 Lead-in

    1. Guessing game: Ss guess what the teacher has got in the bag.

    2. Teacher describes the things in the bag with the sentence patterns “ I have got some …” and “I haven’t got any …”

    3. Ss practice the new sentence pattern about their real situation.

    Teaching purpose: To input the sentence patterns “I have got some …” and “I haven’t got any …” and to make sure Ss understand how to use them.

    Step 3 Listening and speaking

    1. Ss listen to activity 4, check the food and drink Betty and her mother have got.

    2. Teacher calls back the right answers from the whole class.

    3. Ss try to repeat the information by using “we have got some …” and “we haven’t

    got any …”.

    1. Ss listen to activity 5 and try to get the information about what Tony’s family has








    orange juice








    1. With the help of the information of the table, teacher will set an example like “he

    has got some…, has he got any…?” to lead in these two patterns.

    1. Pair work

    Teaching purpose: To practice the ability of abstracting information form listening and strengthen students’ ability of finding out the key words through listening; to practice their speaking by using the listening material and get them more familiar with the new sentence pattern.


    Step 4 Reading

    1) Ss tell true or false and correct them.

    Tony’ s family has got some meat at home ( )

    They want to buy some fruit because they are good for them.( )

    Cola and chocolate are good for Tony.( )

    They want to get some coffee for mum.( )

    Tony likes drinking tea.( )

    2)eeeSs are given an idea about healthy food and encouraged to eat healthy food.

    1. Ss read the passage in activity 5.

    2. Teacher summarizes the key sentence pattern with the Ss.

    Teaching purpose: To make them understand the passage and to encourage the students to eat healthy food.


    Step 5 Homework

    Find out (找出) all the sentences with “have got / haven’t got/ has got/ hasn’t

    got” in your book and write them down on your handout.



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    • 中叶
    • ss
    • sentence
    • listening
    • purpose
    • havent
    • pattern
    • students
    • 教学设计
    • 英语
    • 十四
    • encourage
    • healthy
    • doc
    • information
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