• 肥西铭传小学-张静静-英语-Unit6 Happy birthday!

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                                                   Unit6 Happy birthday教学设计


                                                      铭传学区聚星小学   张静静

    • 一、教学内容:PEP小学英语三年级上 Unit6 Happy birthday Number
    • 二、教学目标


    2、能力目标:能运用英文数字说出生活中出现的电话号码,房间号等。能运用句型how old are you?I’m...进行日常交际。能跟着节奏吟唱歌谣,会唱英文数字歌曲。


    • 三、教学重难点:


    2、能熟练运用how old are you?询问别人的年龄。

    • 四、教学准备:数字卡片、PPT
    • 五、教学过程:

    Step one:Warm-up

    a.Greet the students.

    b.Sing songs: “Good morning to you.”

    “Happy birthday to you.”

    • Step two:Presentation & Practice

    a.T:Today is Zoom’s birthday. Some animals are coming. They bring many gifts for Zoom.Let’s have a look.The monkey brings a big cake.one cake,one,T teaches the word,one.

    T:The panda brings a gift,can you guess what it is? Two pencils.T teaches the word,two.

    T:Zip brings  a gift,can you guess what it is? Three pens.T teaches the word,three.

    T:The duck brings four books.T teaches the word,four.

    T:The bird brings five rulers.T teaches the word,five.

    b.Play a guessing game:How many fingers?

    c.T:The rabbit brings six oranges.T teaches the word,six.

    T:The cat brings seven eggs.T teaches the word,seven.

    T:The elephant brings eight balls.T teaches the word,eight.

    T:The pig brings nine apples.T teaches the word,nine.

    T:The dog brings ten balloons.T teaches the word,ten.

    d.Let’s count from one to ten.

      Play a game:Quick response.

    e.Let’s chant:

    Show me one and two.   Show me three and four.

    Show me five and six.  Show me seven and eight.

    Show me nine and ten.

    f.Show a picture of Zoom.

    T:Look at Zoom’s cake,how many candles?


    T:How old is Zoom?


    T:How old are you?



    g.Work in pair

    how old are you?


    h.Let’s check.

    • Step three:Extension

    Fast read

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    120      110       119

    • Step four:Homework

    1、Let’s count from one to ten for your mother and father.

    2、Make some number cards after class.

    • 标签:
    • birthday
    • 铭传
    • 教学
    • 运用
    • 肥西
    • 数字
    • 英语
    • 静静
    • teaches
    • brings
    • 目标
    • 小学
    • word
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