• 河北丰宁-实验小学邹芬-四年级下unit 4

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    PEP4 Unit 4 At a Farm

    A Let’s Talk

    丰宁实验小学 邹芬

    • 一.概述

    本课是义务教育课程标准实验教科书PEP英语四年级下册Unit 4 At a farm第二课时Part A Let’s talk。本课重点学习主要句型:Are they ….(名词复数)?及其回答Yes, they are. / No, they aren’t.使学生在具备听读能力的基础上,进一步培养说的能力。


    • 二.教学目标分析



    3.能够掌握句型Are they ….(名词复数)?及其回答Yes, they are. / No, they aren’t.



    • 三.学习者特征分析


    • 四.教学策略和设计


    • 学生已经学过关于动物外貌特征等单词及句型,所以本节课在复习旧知的基础上,以旧带新,新旧结合,采用师生对话,两两对话等进行情境问答。利用多媒体网络资源巩固拓展本课知识,培养学生的综合语言运用能力。


    • 五.教学资源准备

    网络资源:PEP农远接收资源Let’s sing , Let’s talk.

    跨越式网络教学资源:《Lambert’ s life》《story time

    • 六.教学过程

    Step Ⅰ warm up

    1. Greeting and warm-up

    T: Good morning, children. How are you today?

    Ss: I’m fine. Thank you. And you?

    T: I’m fine, too. And I’m very happy today. Because we’ll go to the farm to see the animals. Now, Let’s go to Old Macdonald’s farm. (sing the song “Old Macdonald”.)

    唱完后并让学生说出歌曲有什么动物(What animals are in this song?)

    [设计意图:]教师用欢快的语调带学生进入歌曲Old Macdonald”自然而然地使学生进入英语学习状态。

    2. Play a game: Who is the fastest?.(屏幕快速滑过动物图片,学生迅速反应说出单词。)

    3. Revision talk: make a dialogue with the pictures.(先进行师生示范。)

    A: What are they/these?

    Farmer: They are tomatoes/green beans …..

    A: Yes! They’re good .


    Step Ⅱ Presentation

    1. Lead in

    T: There is another animal. There are other animals.Guess what they are? You can ask:” Are they … ?”

    S1: Are they … ?

    T: Maybe.

    S2: Are they …?

    T: Yes, they are. (板书重点句型Are they… ? Yes, they are.)

    T: Are they horses?

    Ss: No, they aren’t. They are donkeys.(板书:No, they aren’t.



    2. Practice:

    T: There are some animals hiding in some places. You can guess what they are. If you are right, they will come out.(出示动物的一部分或隐藏的身体,让学生练习重点句型: Are they … ? Yes, they are. / No, they aren’t. )

    3. Listening Exercise.

    T: You are clever. Now let’s listen and number. Take out this paper. Listen carefully.


    4. Review the sentence pattern “How many … ?”(此句型为旧句型,不做重点处理。)

    T: I like animals very much. Especially the horses. Look! This is a famous painting by the artist Xu Beihong. How many horses can you see?

    5. Let’s talk.

    T: Such handsome horses. This time, we’ll go to a farm with our friends. How many cows does the farmer have? First, let’s listen and try to answer my question, please.

    1. Listen and answer the question: How many cows?

    2. Listen and repeat.

    3. Practice in pairs.

    4. Role play.

    [设计意图:]How many…句型过渡到本课文本,自然顺畅。

    6. Make a dialogue. (新授说新授说应该是贯穿在知识呈现和操练部分,并不仅仅指这个部分)

    T: This farm is so big. I have a big f arm, too. Look! So many animals here. Let’s talk about them, OK?


    StepⅢ: Extension

    1.Reading Ⅰ

    T: so many cows at on the farm. Zhang Peng and John go to the farm, too. They see many animals, too. Let’s watch and answer my question” how many geese?”

    2. Make a dialogue. (综合说)

    Tso many animals. This time, let’s talk about them.(设置情境:a. 90岁的老人参观农场;b. 三岁的儿童参观农场。)



    3. Reading Ⅱ

    TZoom and zip go to the farm, too. What funny story happened? Let’s watch the cartoon. And answer my question. What animals are in the story?

    4. Reading Ⅲ

    T: The cow is a little naughty. What about another animal, its name is Lambert. What animal is it? Let’s watch.(可要求学生尝试复述。拓展的文本也需要复述?)


    Step Ⅳ: Sum-up

    TI love the animals. They’re our good friend. We should protect them. Right? At last, let’s enjoy a song and you can try to sing it. OK?






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