• Unit 6 Happy birthday!---丁翠红

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    • Unit 6 Happy birthday!
    • 一、教材分析:

    The topic of this unit is “Birthday”. Let the students learn to ask about age and number. This lesson is the 4th period of Unit 6. It includes Part B Let's learn, Let's do& Let’s sing. In this period, students are required to learn numbers 6-10. They are going to know how to express their age. Have the students do the actions according to the commands.

    • 二、学情分析:

    The third graders are lovely and active. They have stronger imitation and memory abilities. The students are interested in learning English. The teacher should stimulate students to study English. We can arrange a variety of scenes and activities. Help students to enhance their English ability and comprehensive quality.

    • 三、教学目标 :


    (1)、Learn the new words “six\seven\eight\nine\ten” and do the actions.

    (2)、Enable to use the sentence pattern “I’m... years old.”


    (1)、Enable to listen、say and read numbers from 6-10.

    (2)、Get the students to listen and do the actions.

    (3)、Enable to use the sentence pattern to express the age.



    (1)、To cultivate the students' cooperation spirit and innovation consciousness.

    (2)、To enhance the friendship among students..

    • 四、教学重点:

     Enable to listen, say and read the numbers.

    • 五、教学难点:

        1、The pronunciation of “six & eight”.

        2、Enable to listen and do the actions

    • 六、教学方法:

    1、Task-based Teaching Approach


    3、Cooperative and Communicative Methods

    • 七、教学准备:


    2、Pictures and headwears.


    4、Multi-media player


    • 八、教学模式:




    • 九、教学流程:
    • (一)、Warm-up&Revision
    • 1.Greetings.

    T: Good morning, boys and girls.

      How are you today?


    • 2.Let'schant.

    Listen to the chant at page59. (T plays the music.)


    (2)Sing and dance.

    T: Which numbers can you hear?

    (3)Divide the students into two groups. T shows the word cards and get Ss to say the words.(出示单词卡片)

    (4)Guessing game.(可不可以用概念图先分后总展示生活中的数字,如水果蔬菜拼成的数字,衣服鞋子上的数字,红绿灯数字,班级门牌等,最后引出话题:数字?)

    T shows a covered picture and asks: What’s this? How many bears? Can you guess?  Ss: Good morning, Miss Ding. I’m fine. Thank you!

    (设计意图: 1、学生在唱起来的同时动起来,乐起来,这集中了学生的注意力,为学生创造了轻松和谐的学习氛围。


    • 二、Presentation&Practice


    • 1.Lead-in.

    T: Nice work. Today we are going to learn more numbers.

    • 2.New words.

    (1)T: Can you see some apples? How many apples? Let’s count together.

    T: Yes, six apples.

    T teaches “six” and writes it on the blackboard.

    T shows seven ducks and asks: How many ducks?

    T: Great! Seven ducks.

    T teaches “seven” and shows one more duck.

    T: How many ducks now?

    T teaches “eight” and writes them on the blackboard.

    (3)Use the same way to teach words “nine, ten”.

    (4)Listen and repeat.

    (5)Read and spell.


    • 3.Practice.

    (1)Low and loud voice.

    (2)Have a PK.

    (3)Game :“ Policeman” and “thief”.

       All the students read after “policeman” except “thief” who can’t read the words out. “Policeman” must find out the “thief”.


    • 4.Newstructures.

    (1)(T shows the headwears of Li Li, Tom, Kate, Lu Yao & Lucy.)

    T: This is Li Li....

    (Show a picture of the cake with six candles.)

    T: Li Li is six years old.

    (Wear the headwear .)Hello, I’m six years old.

    Give the headwears to five students and practice the sentence.

    Practice in pairs.(人物头饰)

    (设计意图:创设情景,让学生了解并会使用新句型,这可以帮学生增强彼此间的了解, 同时也培养了学生的合作意识。)

    • 5.Let’sdo.

    (1)Show the screen. Get Ss to look and learn to do the actions.

    (2)T shows fingers and teaches numbers 6-10.

    (3)Play the tape.

    (4)T gives the commands and says: Do as I say.


    • 6.Let’schant.

    (Play the music.)

    Six, six. Show me six.

    Seven, seven. Show me seven.

    Eight, eight. Show me eight.

    Nine, nine. Show me nine.

    Ten, ten. Show me ten.   



    • (三)、Consolidation&Extension
    • 1.Find and say.

    Show two pictures and get Ss to find the numbers they see.

    • 2.Let’ssing.

    “Ten Little Candles Dance.”

    (1)Listen and watch.

    (2)Listen again and sing together.

    T: In this song, which numbers can you hear?



    • 3.Goodtoknow.

    T: We can see numbers everywhere in our life . Telephone numbers, car numbers and so on. Can you see the numbers in English?   Ss look carefully and say the numbers in the pictures.


    • (四)、Summary

        1. T: Boys and girls, I’m very happy because you have done a good job in this class. What have you learned today?

    2. T: Excellent! Let’s see which group gets the most stars. OK? Ss tell what they have learned this class.


    • 五、Homework

         1、Listen d repeat “Let’s learn” and “Let’s do”.

     2、Copy the words.

     3、Make a birthday gift for your friends.


    • 板书设计

    Unit 6 Happy birthday!

    The third period

                                                                                           six  seven  eight     说明: http://img03.sogoucdn.com/net/a/04/link?url=http%3A%2F%2Fi03.pic.sogou.com%2F7787e5022b72b016&appid=122

                                                                                           nine   ten  

                                                                                           I’m….years old.      G1  G2


    • 教学反思:
    • 标签:
    • birthday
    • 教学
    • 意图
    • learn
    • happy
    • numbers
    • students
    • lets
    • listen
    • unit
    • 学生
    • 设计
    • 单词
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