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    • 吴建中观摩课教学设计

    Unit 4 We Love Animals

               The Second Period Teaching Design

                 Lijing Primary School  Wu Jianzhong

    • Ⅰ、Teaching Objectives: 

     1.Ss can use the sentence pattern “What’s this? It’s a...” to communicate with each other about the info.of variety of things.

     2.Enable the students to say the words:"dog","bear","duck","cat","pig",and know how to use them and express them.

     3.Ss can understand some simple directions and can act as the animals according to the orders.

    4.To improve Ss 'ability of communication.(listening,reading and speaking)

    5. Emotion aims:  Educate Ss to love and protect animals.

    • Ⅱ、Teaching Importance&Difficulties:

    1.Read the words of animals “dog,duck,bear,pig,cat,etc.”,and the structures"What's this?It's a...".

    2.To use and express the structures in daily life.

    • Ⅲ、Teaching preparation:

    Animal pictures, animal word cards, teaching media, etc.

    • Ⅳ、Teaching steps:

    1. Warm-up (Song:Enjoy the nice song)


    T-S conversation:

    • ①Review the content of last class:

         T:Hi, what’s your name?

         S:Hi, my name’s......

         T:How are you?

         S:I’m fine, thank you.

         T:“What's this?

         S:It's a ...”

         Teacher shows the pictures of the animals and let students guess them.To do this is not only review the sentence pattern of last class, but also pave the way for the “Let’s chant “ part, realizing the new words duck, dog, cat, bear,pig,etc.


    ② Teacher shows the pictures of harmony circumstance between human beings and animals. And Let students guess what the animal is.

    ③ Listen to the song “Madonald has a farm”. Let Ss catch the words by listening to the song, feeling the animals on the farm.Listening to the song with questions , Ss can get the key point.


    The intention of the design:Through the game,we can review the sentence pattern we have learned .Meanwhile we can extend and reinforce the content of the song.Through the brain-storm method, we can promote Ss’ living experience.

       Listening to the easy and happy song, Ss can not only review the animal word, but also can lead to the new words.


    T: Good morning, boys and girls.

    Ss: Good morning, Mr.Wu

    T: Before the class, let me see whether you can remember this? Look! What's this?

    Ss: It's a dog.( pig, duck, cat, bear )

    T: And what's this?

    S: It's a duck.

    T: And this?

    S: It's a farm.

    T: Yes, it's a farm. Whose farm is this? ... It's my friend Old Macdonald's. Let's say hello to OM.

    S: Hello, OM.

    T: What's can you see on his farm? Then, what else are on his farm?

    Ss: ... animal, vege, fruits.

    T: (repeat students' answer, dog, duck, so many animals, maybe ...)


    Yes, he has many animals. Then what animals are they? Listen to the song. And you will know it. Listen carefully

    • 2.Presentation
    • 1)WordsTeaching

    ①Teacher ask Ss, “What are the animals in the song just now?”And teach the new words “duck, pig, dog, cat, bear, etc. With the help of imitative words in the song, Ss can understand the meaning of each word.(Finish enjoying the whole song.)T: What animals are on his farm? Ss: duck, pig, dog.T: Yes, there are some ducks on the farm. Follow me, duck, duck, quack, quack. Can you act like a duck? Follow me, please. Duck, duck, quack, quack.Ss: duck act as a duck.Duck, duck, quack, quack.

    ②Teacher present the content of “Let’s chant “ part during the process of teaching the new words. For example, “Is the pig big? Is the cat fat? Where is the dog? It's on the log.”And teacher help Ss understand the content of chant by using gestures on purpose.

    T: Where are the duck? Look! They are in the truck. Look at the duck, in the truck.

    T: Yes, there is a duck on the farm, what else? Yes, cat. Can you act like a cat? Follow me, please. Cat, cat, meow, meow. Together. Is this cat fat? Yes, look at the cat, it is fat.

    T: What else are on the farm? Yes,  a dog. Can you act like a dog? Follow me, please. Dog dog bow wow. Together. Where is the dog? Yes, look at the dog, it's on the log.

    T: Besides dog, cat, duck, what else? Yes, pig. Can you act like a pig? Follow me, please. Pig pig, oink oink. Together. Is the pig big? Yes, look at the pig, it is big.


    ③Ss  follow the record of the rhythm poem to read it.And then they can act it out.

    Design Intention:Through the words teaching,permeate the connotation of the rhythm poem. And also through the brisk pace,  Ss can improve their rhythm poem’s understanding and the words reading.

    • 2)Let's chant(Looking at the picture,sing the rhythm poem)

    T: Look at them! They are so happy.

     Look at the cat, it is fat.

     Look at the pig, it is big.

     Look at the dog, on the log.

     Look at the duck, on the truck.

    3) Let's say it together.

    Ss: Look at the cat, it is fat. Look at the pig, it is big. Look at the dog, on the log. Look at the duck, on the truck.

    T: Can you give me the beat? One more time, let's say it together.

    3. Practice & Presentation

    ①Look, ask and answer (Do the actions while listening to the record.)



    T: Do you like these animals? If you like it, please act it out! Now Act like a cat!

    S: Cat, cat, meow, meow.

    T: Ok, this time I'd like one student to come here and act. Who would like to come? (老师给图片给一个学生代表看,然后那个学生用动作表演该动物)

    Student A: What's this?

    Whole class: It's a ...

    ②教师教授bear单词,教师创设故事情节——熊来了。通过紧张刺激的故事引出新词,并进行教授。同时,引起孩子们的思考,熊来了,其他动物怎么办? 提示学生逃跑。


    T: They are so happy together. But today something happens. Listen! Look! Here comes the ... Who is coming?

    Ss: a bear

    T: Oh, no! Help! A bear. Can you act like a bear? 教bear单词 Can you act like a bear? Yes,follow me, bear, bear, roar, roar.

    T: Oh, yes. The bear is on OM's farm now. How do the animals feel now? Are they scared?


    Ss: ... Yes

    T: What will they do? Just stay here and wait for the bear to eat?

    Ss: ...

    T: Yes, they run away. Help! Help!

    ③Teacher plays the sound of the animals and let Ss say out their names. To do this is to check whether they grasp the word or not.

    Teaching Intention:Guess the animal by listening to the sound they made.

    T: Listen, who is running? (The sound of the dog)

    What's this?

    Ss: It's the dog.

    T: What's this?

    Ss: It's the cat.

    ... (cat-dog-duck-pig-gun sound)

    T: What's this? Yes, it's the gun's sound. Oh, Old Madonald shoot the bear, yeah, the bear is dead now. OM is worrying now.

    OM: Where are my animals? Where are my animals? Can you help him?

    Ss: Yes.


    T: Let's help him look for the animals.

    T: Look! They all hide themselves up. Old Macdonald is looking for his animals. Where are they? Where are the ducks? Where are the cats? Where is the pig? Where is the dog? Can you help him?

    SS: Yes. (出图)

    T: Look at No. 1, what's this?

    Ss: It's a pig.

    T: Right?

    Ss: Yes.

    T: What is No.2?

    Ss: It's a duck.

    T: Great!How many ducks can you see?

    Ss: 3.

    T: What's No.3?

    Ss: It's a dog.

    T: Right?

    Ss: Yes.

    T: What's No. 4?

    Ss: It's a cat.


    T: How many cats are there?

    • 标签:
    • ss
    • 教案
    • 观摩课
    • what&#39
    • look
    • it&#39
    • pig
    • duck
    • cat
    • 建中
    • bear
    • animals
    • dog
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